chapter 20

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Jennie's pov

i've been in the shower for about 40 minutes or so, while the warm water is hitting my skin I actually never realized that I'm in here for too long.

i never shower this long to be honest, because of my hectic schedule i can only shower for about 20 minutes, nothing more nothing less.

it's pretty nice, i get to relax my nerves and my brain for a second and forget about everything that's stressing me out.

i stepped out of the shower and put on a black comfy pants and a white crop top, i didn't put my clothes in the cabinet since we're only staying here only until the day after tomorrow, I'll get too lazy to pack everything once again so i decided to leave it in my bag

once I'm all done looking at myself in the mirror, i stepped out of the room while drying my hair with a towel

"oh, you're all done" a voice beside me spoke and i saw lisa looking exhausted as hell

"yup, why do you look tired?" i ask her curiously while sitting on a chair beside the counter at the kitchen

she just shrugged and step closer to me "me and jisoo are cleaning the guest room upstairs, for rosè"

i nodded and she took a cold water from a pitcher and ask me if i want one and i shook my head in response

"thank you for letting me and chae stay with you guys for awhile" she just nodded and smile and pour herself some drink

"it's my pleasure, kim. we're almost done by the way" i nodded

"can i help you guys?" i ask her, i mean I'm not some kind of a royalty to let them do all the work

"oh no, we're goo-" before lisa could finish her sentence, jisoo's loud voice stopped her

"actually yes, we kinda need a helping hand" lisa just shake her head while smiling and i chuckles as stand up from the chair

lisa drank the water and ask me if it's alright if they ask me to help

"are you sure it's alright?" i nodded and smile

" of course, who am i to refuse. besides I'm all rest up now." she just nodded and start to walk towards upstairs, when you get upstairs you
can see jisoo's room in the second door and there's two more doors between jisoo's and one of them at the very last is wide open

"how can i fucking open this shit" we can hear jisoo cursing while walking towards the very last room

"hey, what's up?" lisa ask while walking towards jisoo and you can see jisoo struggling to open some of the drawer near the bed

"this fucking drawer is too hard to open, give me a hand will you" lisa just nodded and help jisoo pull the drawer with all there might and at last it opened.

it's full of dust and i doubt that you won't get sick just by sniffing it, lisa ask me if i can grab the bucket with water and soap just so she can clean it

"Kim, can you grab me that bucket over there. I'm just gonna clean this real quick" i nodded and bring her the bucket, she's now cleaning the whole drawer and jisoo is now cleaning the bed.

when you look at the room, it's a typical guest room. it's painted i white, a single bed and a drawer beside it. there's a small bathroom also

"jen, can you please help me with this light bulb? I need you to attached this bulb in the ceiling and I'll be here holding this chair for you to stand to"

jisoo ask me and hand me over the bulb, i nodded in response and as she said i am now standing on the chair while she's holding the chair incase it wobbles

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