Part nineteen

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I touched my lip, it was just a small bite. Jungkook said he couldn't control himself because he was turned.

But Taehyung was a pure vampire so it shouldn't affect him.

Then again, this could be about 'his whole starving himself and not drinking from me' thing.

I lay down and grabbed my phone. I scrolled endlessly through TikTok, waiting for him to come back.

I knew he wouldn't just leave me here, alone. Well I hoped he wouldn't.

Hours went by but I couldn't sleep and Taehyung still didn't come back. My chest was heavy and my heart was racing.

I couldn't reach Taehyung, I was alone and I wasn't even sure where I was. I looked at the time, it was 4am.

I guess I could call Jimin or Jungkook. But would they drive all the way here? I couldn't exactly leave.

It wouldn't hurt to try. I called Jimin, waiting for him to answer.

"Hey, everything okay?"

"Jimin?" My voice became shaky. "are you okay?"

I took a deep breath in. "I…I don't know what happened to Tae, he left and didn't come back yet."

"He did what? Where are you?" Another deep breath in, "I'm still at the hotel but I…I don't know what h-"

Jimin cut me off, "stay there. I'll come get you. Which hotel are you staying at?"

I looked around and spotted the room card. "It's…uh…Blue Moon Hotel. Room five zero six."

"Okay, I'll be there in an hour. Just don't go anywhere." He cut the call.


My phone vibrated in my hand, I quickly answered, "I'm here. What's the room number again?"

"I can come down." I grabbed my things, shoving them into my bag. "Tell me the room number."

"It's five zero six." I slowly opened the door and stepped out.

I noticed Jimin in the hallway. He suddenly appeared in front of me.

I immediately hugged him.  "I'm sorry for making you come all this way but thank you."

I pulled back, looking at him. "You don't have to apologize, let's just get you home." He took my bag and held my arm.

I opened my eyes, and we stood in the parking lot. Jimin opened the door for me.

I got in, rubbing my arms. I didn't realize how cold it was.

Jimin started driving. "Are you cold?"
"A little but it's okay." He turned the heater on.

He reached behind my seat, and handed me a hoodie. "Get some sleep, it'll be a while before we get home."


Taehyung hadn't spoken to me since that night. I barely saw him as well even though I knew he was here.

I still couldn't understand what happened. Was it really because I kissed him?

The last thing he told me was that he wanted the mark between us.

But he just left after that, he didn't even bother to tell me what happened or speak to me.

I pushed the food around my plate. "Is it not good?" I looked at Jungkook, "No. It's great. I'm just a bit full."

He touched my hand, "you can tell me if it's bad." I smiled at him, "No, Kook, it's really good. I'm just full."

My phone vibrated against the table. I glanced at it, Liam messaged me.

My results were out.

I immediately opened the portal and checked. I did okay, an average of 70 wasn't bad.

The first person I wanted to tell was Taehyung. I knew we hadn't spoken but maybe things would be okay after this.

I rushed upstairs and knocked on his door, waiting for him to answer.

Taehyung opened the door and stared at me. He tried closing the door, I held my arm out, making him stop.

"What do you want?" His voice was so cold. "I…um…I wanted to tell you something."

"What is it?" His words shot straight through my chest. I couldn't understand why he was being so cold. 

He clearly didn't want to talk to me, or even see me. I was so stupid.

I stepped back from him, he took a step towards me. "It's…uh…um nevermind."

I turned around, heading to my room. As I sat down, everything spilled out, I bit my pillow to silence my sobs.

But I just couldn't stop crying. I felt broken, like something just shattered me. 

I didn't know what I did to make Taehyung so angry and upset with me.
It couldn't be because I kissed him?

We had done much more than just kiss. I touched over my chest, he carved his initials into my skin.

That memory alone made me cry harder.

Taehyung told me he cared about me and he didn't want to hurt me. So did he actually mean it or was I stupid enough to believe it?

Someone knocked, I immediately wiped my eyes and tried to stop my sniffling. "C-come in."

The door opened and Jimin stepped inside. "Hey, we're goi-what happened?"

I looked at him, wiping my cheeks, "n-nothing happened."

Jimin closed the door and moved towards me. "What's wrong? Did Tae do something?"

"I'm okay, really." He sat in front of me. "You're not okay. What happened?"

I shook my head as tears formed again. "I…I just wanted to t…tell him I got my results back."

Jimin touched my hand, "I'm sorry, princess."

"He didn't even care," I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping the tears would stop, "I…I don't know...why I decided to tell him. He wasn't even speaking to me."

He leaned forward, hugging me. I gripped his shirt, sobbing into his shoulder. "You know why, right?"

"No?" I pulled back, wiping my eyes and cheeks. "I thought it would be obvious by now."

I stared at him, "what is obvious?" He sighed, "the reason you always go to Tae, you're in love with him."

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