Part fourteen

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We had gone through three of the Harry Potter movies when Jimin paused it. "You should eat something, what do you want?" 

"I'm not hungry." He rolled his eyes at me. "Do you want ramen?" I shrugged at him. "Okay, ramen it is. You can press play." 

Jimin got up, leaving me alone. I checked to see if he was looking and grabbed his phone. 

I checked for notifications but there wasn't anything. I placed his phone back and pressed play. 

I reached for my phone and called Taehyung. It went back to voicemail. I sighed and threw my phone across the couch. 

I heard the door open and turned around, Jungkook rushed inside and sat next to me. 

"Jiwoo got your blood results back." I waited for him to continue. "She said your body isn't producing enough blood." 

Jungkook took my hands, "she's coming back tomorrow morning, just to tell you what can be done." 

I stared at him. Was that even possible? I guess during my exams, I didn't really pay attention to myself. 

"Thank you, kook." Jungkook leaned forward and hugged me, "I know you didn't want to talk about it earlier but do you want to talk about it now?" 

"Talk about what?" He pulled back from me, "about what caused your panic attack." 

I looked down, "I still don't want to talk about it." Jungkook nodded, "well, whenever you're ready, we're here." 

"Does Tae know about this?" Jungkook shook his head, "I didn't message him, do you want to tell him?" 

"No, don't tell him anything." Jungkook rubbed his thumbs against my hand, "I'm sure he'll be back soon." 

"Your ramen," Jimin placed the bowl in front of me and sat down. "What's wrong?" He looked at me and Jungkook. 

"Y/n's blood tests came back, her body isn't producing enough blood so Jiwoo is coming back tomorrow." 

Jimin ran his fingers through my hair, "will you be okay tonight?" I looked at him, "I think so." 

"Maybe one of us should stay with you." I shook my head, "you don't need to, I'll be fine." 

I placed a cushion on my lap and reached for the bowl. "We're going to get ready, do you want me to help you upstairs?" 

I nodded at Jungkook. He helped me stand up and we immediately stood in my room. I sat down on my bed. 

"If you need anything, please call. I promise we'll try to be here as soon as possible." 

Jungkook cupped my face and kissed my forehead. He disappeared in front of me. 

I opened my laptop and played Netflix while I ate. I placed it on the side table and looked for my phone. 

I left it downstairs. "Y/n, we're going now, do you need anything before we go?" 

"My phone please." Jungkook nodded, he disappeared and reappeared with my phone in his hands. 

"You sure you'll be okay?" I nodded at him. "Call if you need anything, either hyung or me." 

 "I will, thank you." Jungkook handed me my phone before leaving. 

I opened my phone and checked to see any messages from Taehyung, still nothing. 

I pressed the call button and waited. Straight to voicemail again. I cut the call and leaned back. 

Where could he have gone? And why with Nayeon? Why didn't he tell anyone? Not even Jungkook or Jimin knew where he was. 

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