Part eleven

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I heard Jin scream, "Kim fucking Taehyung!" and I opened my eyes. "Shh, she's sleeping." 

"Good, she won't hear. You're such an idiot." I felt Taehyung get up. "What did I do now?" 

"You marked her! Do you know what that means? You've bonded with her for life! You didn't even mark Yerim!" 

I held my breath, scared I would make a noise. Who was Yerim? Was she important? "What?" 

"That's what marking is, not just possession. You'll only be able to feed off her and if you don't, she'll become sick. You're linked forever." 

I touched the bite mark. "Are you serious?" 

"Yes, I'm fucking serious! You have an emotional connection with her." 

Taehyung sat down again. "How do you get rid of it?" Jin sighed, "one of you has to die." 

My heart pounded against my chest, would they kill me? "You have to tell her." 

Taehyung touched my head. "I'll tell her, I just don't want her to be upset or angry with me." 

He kissed my head and tucked the blanket over my body. I heard the door close and assumed they left. 

I sat up and checked the time. My tutor will be here soon. 

I got up, showering and changing. I noticed a bunch of shopping bags by the table. 

I peeked inside, it was a laptop. Taehyung actually got me a laptop. 

I carried the box downstairs. He was sitting with Jin, talking about something. 

When Jin spotted me, he stopped talking. "Y/n." Taehyung immediately turned his head. 

"Morning," I walked towards them and placed the box on the table. "Do you like it?" 

"You didn't have to get me this." Taehyung rolled his eyes, "do you like it?" I nodded. 

He pulled my t-shirt, "you wore this the other day. Do you have enough clothes?" I stared at him, "uh…yes…" 

"We're going shopping." Taehyung stood up, grabbing car keys from the table. "I can't, I have a lesson soon." 

"Yesterday, you told me not to leave you alone so cancel it, plus we need to buy you food. You have to eat properly, not the same things over and over again." 

He grabbed my hand, pulling me behind him. "You don't need to do this." 

Taehyung opened the car door for me. "I know, I want to do it." A smile crept onto my face. 

He started the car and we drove in silence. He always looked so serious, even when he drove. 

Taehyung parked and led me into a few stores. "Take anything you want." He handed me a basket. 

"I don't know what to choose." Taehyung walked around, choosing different things for me. 

"Try it on." I walked to the changeroom. Taehyung followed me and sat down, watching me change. 

My cheeks heated up, "what's wrong?" 
"Nothing, you're just watching me." Taehyung folded his arms and leaned back. 

"It's nothing I haven't seen before, princess." I turned around, changing into the skirt.  I hardly wore skirts, I always thought they didn't suit me.

"What do you think?" I turned around, looking at him. "What? Does it not look good?" 

He grabbed my hand, pulling me towards him. "Why haven't you worn a skirt before?" 

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