"I'm soo proud of you" Solange said hugging her from behind rocking her side to side.Amariana nodded with teary eyes looking up at Beyoncé.

"It needed to happen, I think all the anger we had wasn't getting us no where and I knew at some point it was gonna have to end can't spend life mad at the world for something that's not our fault" she chuckled bey bend down and cupped her cheek kissing her other one softly Amariana smiled and they just looked at each other

"Ok so enough of that, bey you cook or are you burning" solo laughed sitting at the island

"If you must know mama sent me her recipe for omelettes and just for downing me don't eat"

"I was kidding" she retorted

"Yeah whatever" bey waved her off

"Mama Beyoncé wont feed me" she yelled to Mama Tina

"Stop yelling"

"But this isn't your house" solo defended crossing her arms

"I don't care who house it is stop yelling child" she huffed and got down

"I'm always getting in trouble" she said walking out

"Probably because you always got something smart to say" Kelly yelled

"Whatever" she yells back

"Solange" Mama Tina shouted in a warning tone. I shook my head and laughed lowly. I looked at bey and a wave of guilt came over me she finally gets to be happy and I do what I did. I walked over to her and hugged her from Behind I kissed her shoulder and she smiled

"You happy" I asked she smiled brightly and turns around and kissed my lips

"I am" I smiled before kissing her cheeks looking back into her eyes

"And who cares about her not calling me mom...yet! I just wanted this. This part to build a relationship and once I get her close enough she won't be going anywhere and that day will come" she looked over cashing me to look and we saw Amariana Blue and Solange laughing and play fighting

"You were right" bey said leaving me confused but I wanted to act like I knew to give a point on whatever I was right about

"I know" I smiled she playfully rolled her eyes and looked at me

"Ok about what?" She laughed

"My baby,she still in there she was all this time" she smiled I kissed her cheek and let her go so she can finish cooking

"Don't burn nothing" i said walking away

"You can be like solange and not eat"

"You sure cuz I need all my strength for some things and food is number one key for that strength" i smirked

"Strength for what?"

"How else did we end up with two daughters" she blushed and looked down and I held my smirk

"Shut up and go away" I laughed and left out the kitchen soon as I turned around a head bump into my leg I looked down seeing Amariana getting up rubbing her head

"Damn girl that heavy ass rock knocking you all over the place" I laughed but she frown pouting

"I'm telling Beybey" she said walking away

"I'm tElLinG BEyBeY" I mocked chuckling after now that we got her back I know having three females in the house is gone be the death of me.


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