(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 4

Start from the beginning

Peter: *eyes widened* "Uh-oh..."

MJ's voice: *muffled* "I'm coming in!"

Paranoid to think what Nick would do if he were spotted by any of their classmates, Y/n hurriedly shuts the door as MJ peers it open.

Y/n: "Woah-woah-woah! You can't come in here"

Once he had locked the door, Y/n walked back to the room before thinking of an excuse. His eyes dart to Nick who slowly starts to get more and more irritated, then to Peter, who's STILL stuck to the wall, before back to the door.

Y/n: "I-I I'm NAKED!"

MJ's voice: "WHAT!!?"

Peter/Nick: "...what?"

Y/n: *whispers to Peter* "Well I can't say that YOU'RE naked, cause she's technically allowed to see you naked"

Peter: *whispers* "Why does ANYONE HAVE to be NAKED?"

MJ's voice: "Why are you naked? And in Peter's room?"

Peter: *aloud* "He uh...Y/n had to show me something!"

Peter rolls his eyes in disbelief as Y/n inaudibly gasps.

MJ's voice: "Naked!!?"

Y/n: "Okay, listen. I don't need you UP my ass, alright!? I already got Peter for that, so can you just save it for tomorrow?"

MJ's voice: "Alright...you boys are weird. Just tell Peter to text me before we leave for Paris, okay?"

Peter: "Will do, babe! See you when we head to Paris!"

MJ's voice: "Goodnight, Tiger~!"

Peter: "Goodnight!"

Nick: "...That's why it's imperative that-"

Another knock was then heard on the door, this time it was their other teacher Mr. Julius Dell.

Julius's voice: "Hey, boys. So that canal water today was filled with dangerous bacteria..."

Nick: *pissed* "Another person touch that door, you and I are gonna attend another early retirement party. Suit up"

Julius's voice: "...Let me know if you develop vomiting"

Y/n: "Yep! Thanks, Mr. Dell!"

Standing up from the chair, Nick grabs the device from the table before he goes to leave through the window as Y/n donned his Wakandan suit before following after him.

Peter: "Hey...Y/n...about that talk we had..."

Y/n: "...I'll think about it"

Y/n then pulled up his mask before jumping out the window.

Peter: "...So you're just not even gonna get me out of this? Y/n...? Hello...Okay, then"

Nick and Y/n can now be seen sailing through the canals with Nick steering their small ship.

Nick: "Stark left these for you"

Fury gives Y/n a glasses case. He takes it and opens it to reveal a pair of sunglasses. Curious, he turns to Fury.

Nick: "Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Stark said you wouldn't get that because it's not a Star Wars reference"

Y/n: "I know what it means" (I have...no idea what that means)

Sometime later, the two are walking across the corridors of some mysterious underground vault.

Nick: "You can lose the mask. Everyone here has seen you without it. You'd be feigning anonymity and breathing through a vibranium habit for no good reason"

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