"That's it! It sounds like a plan to me, a perfect one! We start tomorrow!" I say confidently and they all nod smiling.

"And Daniel will give the final permission after he checks everything, but it will be easy with such detailed work! Some of the new members will stay here after all, we needs some warriors and guards. And I will be responsible for them." Elias commends.

See? It won't be a problem!

We are a great team and we prove it every single time. We count on each other and I'm grateful for finding these guys. Some months ago, I would call you crazy, if you told me that I would make some news 'brothers'. I had never imagined a big family, but look at us now...

I met Diana (again) and she opened a door to a whole new world for me. I don't feel lost and alone anymore. Before Diana I thought that I was perfectly fine on my own, but now I realize that I was lying to myself. I always had my parents, Landon, Jeremy and Elias, but I was dead inside, I was miserable, desperate. Right now I am more than happy, I feel completed, alive!

"How do you feel about getting married, Your Royal Highness?"

I snap my head to Thomas, who waits for my answer with a warm smile on his face. His question leaves me breathless and surprised for a moment, but too soon I find myself excited as I repeat his question in my head.

Devon purrs from joy and I put my best not to cry for him. I can't describe how proud I am for making him feel this way. He totally deserves it, he was in pain for years because of me and my actions, and now he found his peace, the mate he wanted and deserved, and our relationship is ideal!

"Seriously? I'm blissful! It's like a dream! I can't wait!" I reply as I fight to hold back my tears.

"We can't either! For the six of you, let's not forget the girls!" Hunter murmurs and after me he turns and looks Landon and Jeremy.

"I would love to be in a corner and observe them talking about it right now! They will be freaked out!" Parker says and laughs with most of the guys laughing in the thought.

Diana and the girls are all together as you can imagine. We wanted to make the announcement seperately to our friends even though later we will meet to go and announce the exact dates to Gideon and my father, but I would die to be present right now and listen to them discussing and making plans.

"Ellie and Violet will be screaming, no doubt! Nikki will be crying from the hormones. Alice will be handing Nikki tissues to wipe her tears. Andrea and Peyton will be jumping up and down. And Susan, Lora, Emily and Stacy will be hugging Diana and let's not mention the plans they will be making about the decorations and the dresses!" Parker continues and this time we all break into hysteric laughter.

Seriously, he couldn't describe it better! I agree with him, it's like they are in front of my eyes, it's amazing.

"You nailed it!" Jeremy exclaims and starts laughing louder.

"Just imagine them some hours before the weddings and the coronation!" Thomas adds and almost falls from the sofa he sits.

"I will lock myself in a room at the opposite side of the palace these days!" Jeremy announces and this time I lose my breath and my stomach beggings to hurt as tears run from my eyes.

"With Ellie being your mate, I don't blame you! In fact, if I were you, I would lock myself in a cell and give the key to Preston!" Landon yells while trying to breathe and stop laughing, but his words don't help us calm down.

A new round of laughter begins and Jeremy turns to Landon and starts punching him on the shoulder playfully.

"Nothing will save Jeremy from Ellie!" Elias says and wipes his tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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