What He Does When You Cry-

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Simon Riley (Ghost) – At first he was kinda cold/distant with you when it came to you crying, he had no idea how to comfort let alone help you aside maybe a head pat or rubbing your back. But now that you're dating, he's kinda picked up on what makes you feel better so when you cry, Ghost will rub your head and back while you place your head on his chest because you know how iffy he can be with affection but he'll still sooth you and calm you down with his words.

John MacTavish (Soap) – He's kinda silly when it came to you crying. He'll rub your head and back then go on to tell you awful jokes in an attempt to make you laugh, which it would. By that point, you'd stop crying and he'd smile then get serious again and make sure you were okay and figure out what was making you so sad.

John Price (Captain Price) – He literally goes full 'dad mode' (weird phrasing sorry lol) but whenever he sees you cry, he'll take you to his office, sit you down on his desk, coo you until you calm down and ask you what's going on and do what he can to make you feel better. He'll hug you, kiss you, let you sit on his lap while he's working, he'll literally coddle you until you feel better.

Kyle Garrick (Gaz) – You're kinda weird when you cry because you hate being vulnerable, especially around others, so when Kyle does see you cry, you literally laugh it off like a crazy person and try to justify that you're fine and nothing's wrong that you have no idea why you're crying. This makes Kyle frown because he doesn't understand why you think you have to be so strong around him all the time. He'll say nothing and pull you in a hug and hug you so tightly that you end up crying once more and he'll do everything he can to make you feel better.

Alejandro Vargas – Literally goes full protective BF mode. Like he gets angry thinking someone hurt you or your feelings but if that's not the case he'll hug and kiss you, cuddle you, reassure you, literally wrap either a blanket or his jacket around you, he'll bring you sweets and coffee and do everything he can to make you feel better.

Konig – Literally he will go into full panic mode and end up getting so overwhelmed that he literally has no idea what to do. So whenever you're upset, he gets upset because he doesn't know how to help you, so he'll hug you until you both have calmed down...which in a weird way helps the both of you out a lot.


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