When He Protects Your Innocents-

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Simon Riley (Ghost) – He's literally OBSESSED with the fact of how innocent you can be. When the other recruits tease you and Simon, not only can he hear really well but once he sees your face turn red and tilt your head to the side, you'll look at Simon with this confused and innocent look that honestly makes him fucking hard and cannot wait to ruin you later (I'm not sorry XD)

John MacTavish (Soap) – You're the Captain's daughter, I think that kinda proves your innocence enough which Soap fucking ADORES. He'll literally tease the shit out of you and some of you can't understand because of his accent so you'll blush and look confused which makes Soap groan and curse softly before smashing his lips against yours not being able to control himself around your innocence.

John Price (Captain Price) – Is this even a given? I mean does the daddy issues not explain enough? Literally go crazy y'all.

Kyle Garrick (Gaz) – You're related to Soap...I don't think there's much of an innocence left in you that can be spared.

Alejandro Vargas – He absolutely LOVES to tease you in Spanish because you can't really understand him all that well, especially if he's talking with Rudy and talks fast then you have absolutely no idea what he's saying so if him and Rudy tease you, he loves that you'll just tilt your head and blush with confusion which he literally cannot get enough of.

Konig – You're both pretty innocent when it comes to things but that doesn't mean you both don't get MAD embarrassed when your friends like Horangi tease the shit out of the both of you making you both literally wanna die of embarrassment.

(ENJOY. Suggestions welcomed!)

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