First Date-

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Simon Riley (Ghost) – He's not really good at the whole dating thing but that doesn't mean he wasn't willing to try. Due to your lives being crazy with all the...ya know, war and stuff, once you guys managed to have a day off, honestly he thought watching movies and food is what you'd like and well...he was right. You both changed into comfortable clothes, cuddled in his room, watched a lot of movies and ate snacks and sweets until you both fell asleep.

John MacTavish (Soap) – Once you both had a day off from missions and training, he wanted to take you out on a nice coffee date. You both got up quite early, left for a café where you had coffee and sweets and talked about life outside of the Task Force and shared lots of laughs till it was pretty much the afternoon.

John Price (Captain Price) – You didn't think he'd ever find the time or day off to take you out. You didn't mind because you knew this was what it was going to be like dating him so you didn't really expect anything. However, what you didn't expect was for him to show up to your room with flowers and take you out for a really nice dinner date where you both had a very nice time.

Kyle Garrick (Gaz) – Once you guys were able to find the day off, honestly Gaz took you out to get ice cream and take a nice long walk. You both talked about life, the future, shared laughs and had a great time.

Alejandro Vargas – You did not expect him to be so romantic. He showed up to your room with flowers and chocolate, wore such nice clothes and took you out to a fancy restaurant just the 2 of you. He was literally the most perfect gentlemen and you fell for him even more.

Konig – Poor boy has such bad social anxiety so thinking about taking you anywhere on your first official date freaked him out, so instead you offered to stay inside, order pizza and watch movies in your comfortable clothes which made him so much more relaxed.


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