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Simon Riley (Ghost) – I'm not gonna say arguments don't happen because they do, I'm not gonna beat around the bush. You guys argue, there's sometimes a lot of arguments about a lot of different things which of course is valid on both ends, when this happens, usually someone from the team has to stop either of you from screaming at the top of your lungs. When this happens, you both literally avoid each other for days until you both start to actually miss one another, then you both apologize and make up...until it happens again either days or weeks later.

John MacTavish (Soap) – You guys do have arguments here and there but they're honestly pretty petty. Whenever you guys are caught up in it, the others ask what the hell either of you are fighting about and then once you realize what you're fighting about, you both laugh and apologize because it was stupid and petty.

John Price (Captain Price) – Being Captain ain't easy. You know he overworks himself and gets stressed a lot, you do your best to not say anything or distract him. You do what you can though to make sure he is calm and relaxed but sometimes things can just boil over and he'll just yell at anyone and everyone, you included. It does make you upset of course even though you try not to take it seriously but it does hurt because you have parental/daddy issues so that doesn't help. By then you pretty much avoid him all day and when he finally notices your lack of presences, he does everything he can to make it up to you.

Kyle Garrick (Gaz) – None of you are ever really serious enough to have heated arguments. You guys will have stupid disagreements here and there but never enough to the point where you guys are deeply angry at each other.

Alejandro Vargas – I wouldn't say there's heated arguments. Sure, Alejandro can get angry but that's because he's stressed and sometimes he can take that stress out on you but once he realizes that he did that, he'll instantly apologize and literally do anything he can to make it up to you. He never wants to yell at you or make you upset, ever.

Konig – He hates arguing with you. He absolutely despises it so he does everything he can not to fight with you even though sometimes it can be hard given that you both are stubborn and hotheaded but because you guys have been best friends for a long time your arguments don't last long because you're both obsessed with each other and refuse to stay mad at each other.


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