On Your Period-

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Simon Riley (Ghost) – When it's that time of the month, you usually stay in your room because you'd rather just not deal with anything or anyone. You can be quite bitchy as well and you don't want to lash out at everyone so staying away just felt better. However, Simon worried because he hasn't seen you all day, so he'll walk to your room and knock on your door before walking in to see you curled up on your bed.

He frowns and sits on the edge of the bed asking you what's wrong, when you tell him, his eyes widen as he nods and asks if you need anything. You'll shake your head and tell him no but then Simon will go and make you tea and get you something sweet to help soothe you which makes you feel a whole lot better.

John MacTavish (Soap) – When it's that time of the month, literally the only thing you end up eating is chocolate. Soap's no idiot when it comes to this so whenever he sees you eating chocolate, he'll just laugh and hug you and ask if you're okay and need anything which makes you shake your head and continue to eat your chocolate. Soap always buys chocolate when he's out though for weeks like this knowing it's what you always crave when it's that time.

John Price (Captain Price) – If you thought your daddy issues were bad, it's even worse when you're on your period. You literally act like a child who's been infected with the flu. You'll whine and pout at Price telling him you don't feel well. Of course he feeds your parental issues and will pull you on his lap and rub your stomach and ask if you need anything making you shake your head as you cuddle him like a literal child but it felt nice and made you feel better.

Kyle Garrick (Gaz) – You get so emotional when it's that time of the month to the point you cry then laugh because it's pathetic. Kyle kinda gets scared of you at this point for being so manic but you tell him you're on your period and he'll ask if you need anything and you'll just ask him to hug you which he does so but obviously hesitates because you scare him.

Alejandro Vargas – You're usually pretty grumpy when you're on your period. You literally get so angry that you start cursing in Spanish. Alejandro laughs for a moment but then will do anything he can to make you feel better.

Konig – He pretty much knows when you're on your period and he's literally always prepared. He's got his clothes for you to wear, a heating pad, coffee, snacks and we'll literally cuddle with you and watch movies which instantly makes you feel so much better.


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