𝓐𝓷𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓕𝓸𝓻 𝓨𝓸𝓾

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𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 42

Greta had been immobile in that position for what seemed like an endless amount of time, her body unwilling to cooperate. She surveyed the room, desperately seeking an escape route. However, as time went on, her hope diminished and she accepted her fate. Just as she was on the verge of giving up entirely, Evelyn strolled back into the room, wearing a self-satisfied expression.

Greta observed her cautiously, relieved to see no signs of violence or struggle. Brahms had fulfilled the dirty work for her. Glaring harshly at Evelyn who smirk in reply: "Quick question, would you like to be bury beside Cole your ex and father to that unborn child..." Yet, her relief was short-lived as Evelyn's words pierced the air like a sharp blade. Greta's eyes widened in disbelief as her secret was exposed, but her shock swiftly transformed into anger as Evelyn callously discussed her unborn child. "... or next to Malcolm, the boy who loved you but received nothing in this twisted game?" Evelyn sneered.

Greta's animosity towards the woman intensified with each passing moment. She couldn't believe that Evelyn had the audacity to bring up her unborn child and Malcolm and use it as a tool to manipulate her. Greta's mind raced as she tried to come up with a plan to escape this situation. She knew that she couldn't let Evelyn win, but she also knew that she was at a disadvantage. Brahms was still in this game too, and she had no idea what he was capable of.

The nanny took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. She knew that she needed to think clearly if she was going to get out of this alive. She looked at Evelyn and saw the smug look on her face. Greta knew that she couldn't let Evelyn get the best of her. So with her best attempt, she kept her emotions tight, not giving Evelyn the satisfaction.

Evelyn's understanding was swift, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes at the situation. Deep down, she knew she wouldn't admit it. Greta, on the other hand, was clever enough to know that Evelyn enjoyed it more when she reacted with anger and fear. As Evelyn moved closer, she positioned herself at the same height as Greta, ready to deliver her thoughts.

"I don't believe it would make much of a difference," Evelyn began, her voice tinged with irony. "My father loves his wife and unborn child dearly, but in his will, he would rather be beside me... Isn't that ironic?" With a hint of distrust, she gently ran her finger through Greta's blonde hair. "I must give you credit, Greta. For a moment, I thought I had lost Brahms to you that night..."

Evelyn muttered, her voice turning cold and tense as her piercing gaze locked onto Greta. She let out a disbelieving breath before continuing, "You managed to captivate him with your impersonation of Mrs. Heelshire... Always a mommy's boy, isn't he?" Evelyn then lifted her finger to Greta's head, grabbing a handful of her hair and pulling her face closer. "But... Brahms' heart will forever belong to me. I am his obsession."

Evelyn's words dripped with a mix of bitterness and superiority as she reveled in her perceived victory over Greta. She relished in the power she held over Brahms, knowing that she was the one who truly had his heart. The touch of Greta's hair in her hand was both possessive and taunting, a physical reminder of her dominance.

Greta, however, refused to let Evelyn's words and actions intimidate her. She met Evelyn's gaze with a calm and collected expression, refusing to show any signs of fear or weakness. She knew that Evelyn thrived on the reactions she could provoke, and Greta was determined not to give her the satisfaction.

With a sly grin, Evelyn leaned in closer to Greta, their faces almost touching. Her voice exuded a quiet confidence as she replied, "Tonight, I'll show you just how infatuated he is with me." Evelyn's grip on Greta's hair loosened slightly, her eyes scanning Greta's face for any hint of vulnerability. And there it was, eyes pleading, tearing, and begging.

Just in the nick of time, Evelyn straightened herself as Brahms entered, looking worse for wear. His clothes were tattered, and stained with blood and dirt. He had lost his pristine appearance as he stumbled into the room, his eyes fixated on one person only: Evelyn.

As he drew nearer, Evelyn pulled Brahms in, wrapping her arms around his neck and running her fingers through his unruly curls. She maintained eye contact with Greta, taunting the nanny while Brahms rejoiced in her embrace. Pressing his nose against her neck, he grazed his teeth along her skin, his hands gripping her waist tightly, pulling her closer.

Neither of them seemed to care about the onlookers or the disheveled state Brahms was in, threatening to ruin Evelyn's dress. Evelyn reveled in the power she held over Brahms, knowing that she had him completely under her spell. She could feel the intensity of his desire for her, his every touch and kiss fuelling her own sense of control. Greta watched on, her heart sinking as she realized the depth of Brahms' infatuation with Evelyn.

As Brahms continued to nuzzle against Evelyn's neck, his lips leaving a trail of fiery kisses, she couldn't help but revel in the attention. She knew that this display of affection would only further solidify her hold over him, making it even harder for Greta to deny the truth: Why did she ever think that she could fix him? Brahms hardly even looked away when Evelyn was around.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Evelyn slowly pulled away from Brahms, her fingers lingering on his cheek. She could see the confusion and longing in his eyes, a hunger that only she could satisfy. Greta's heart ached as she watched the exchange, knowing that she could never compete with the allure that Evelyn possessed.

"I want to see her cry first. Bleed her out. Then bury her 6 feet down..." Evelyn's voice took on a sweet tone as she seductively asked Brahms, "You would do that for me, won't you?" Her captivating eyes held Brahms's gaze, leaving him unable to resist her manipulative charm.

Greta's heart sank as she listened to Evelyn's sinister request. It sunk further in fear at Brahms's response: "Anything for you."

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