𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝔂? 𝓝𝓸..

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𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 33

In Greta's bedroom, she and Malcolm were able to burst into. They both slide her dresser in front of the door. Blocking entrance for anyone to enter or even leave. "The phone!" Malcolm groans, his body still adapting to the impact Brahms caused. He slides down against the bedside, taking a second to take in a deep breath.

Greta looks for her phone and rampages through her messy room. Creating more of it. When she found it, her relief didn't last long. It's been smashed in pieces; she goes to say something. Tell Malcolm about the situation when – the sounds of CREAKING in the walls reach their ears.

Malcolm and Greta froze. Another CREAK. The pair follow the sound with their eyes as Brahms moves from inside the walls. Being obvious and no longer in secret like he would at the start. "C-Can he get in?" Malcolm whispers.

The nanny's mind races – something clicks in her mind, "The closet!"

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Brahms is crawling through a small hatch door in the back of the closet in Greta's bedroom. Before he could even enter, Greta slammed the closet door closed. She and Malcolm brace the door with their bodies as – WHAM!

Brahms slams into the door from the other side. Not caring about the impact would cause. WHAM! Again. And again! And this point with his size of body, Malcolm knew they could last long. WHAM! And as expected, this time Brahms's fist goes right through the door. His hand grasps wildly at the air until he gets a hold of Greta's shirt.

Greta screams! Flails against the arm the best she could to get him to loosen the grip. She tries to pull away, but Brahms's too strong. He even pulls her closer and closer the more she fights back.

Malcolm panic. He looks around the room, something to help this situation. A belt! Quickly he used it to his advantage. Loops it around Brahms's hand and pulls as hard as he can. This caused the hand to bend in a gruesome direction right into the jagged edge of the splintered door.

Brahms let out a scream of anger. This time he tried to pull his hand back through the hole but it was too late. Malcolm wasn't going to let him as he quickly looped the other end of the belt around the bedpost as it was the closer source. "Hold it!" He screams for help from Greta.

Greta grabbed the belt and pulled the best she could. Having two people overpower someone as enormous as Brahms. Malcolm ties the belt off the bedpost causing Brahms to be trapped. His hand caught outside the door and now tied to the bed.

This just made him twice as furious. At this point, Evelyn won't be happy with him. He pulls wildly, lifting the bed off the floor in the process from his strength. But he can't get free.

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Malcolm and Greta rush into the hallway once they move the dresser blocking the door. Once they were out, they stared at Greta's bedroom. For a second they think they might be safe. Until – CREAK! "Ding Dong!" Evelyn's voice coming from the stairways. They forgot, that there was another in this game.

"I know you can hear me!" Her voice getting closer, meaning she coming. They can't go downstairs at this point, even if they ran the faster they could pass her. Who knows what weapon she has now? "This way!" Greta harshly whispers, not wanting Evelyn to hear them as she pulls Malcolm into Brahms's bedroom.

Malcolm rushes for something to block the door but Greta stops him. Not understanding and maybe at the brick of frustration at this point but the nanny quickly explained, "She won't know we're here." / "What are you talking about? She banging open all the room doors now!" The two argue as hush as they can.

Evelyn as Malcolm said was slamming open each door in the hallway. One by one, with a heinously uncanny laugh she found nothing in them. "Come on. Open up the door! I only want to play a little!"

Malcolm gave a heated look at Greta, proving his point but Greta still stopped him. "She never enters this room. She's been avoiding it." / "I think being safe is better here, Greta." Not trusting, he tips over the bookcase over the door and that loud collision causes Evelyn's attention.

"Oh?" You can hear her small voice in confusion as her steps reach Brahms's bedroom. Greta would be mad at Malcolm now but they both kept quiet staring at the door. Guard ready for the unexpected.

ARGH! Brahms's screams, yells, and range across the room caught everyone's attention. Evelyn debated for a second. Although the pair couldn't see it, they were praying that Evelyn would go to Brahms, giving them time. Their prayers for once were heard this once, as Evelyn's footsteps faded the second.

Taking the chances quickly, Greta runs to the closet and rips everything out, "There has to be a door here somewhere. This is where it started." She goes to the dresser and tries to pull it away from the wall. It doesn't budge: "This is it. We have to pry it open."

Expecting for Malcolm to help along but the man doesn't move. Greta turned her attention to him, questioning him as they didn't have time now, "You're not going in there." / "Look! It's the only way. The windows. The doors. Everything is blocked off! We have to go in the walls." Malcolm hesitates, to him, this was an easier way to collide with the seekers. In a game like this, it's better to hide. Evelyn seems to abide by the rules, so they could survive if they lay low.

A LOUD CRASH in the other room. "They're coming. Hurry!" Greta gritted her teeth. Malcolm grabs hold of the dresser and, along with Greta pulls with all their strength. The dresser swings open, revealing a passage into the walls. A small bolt lock falls to the floor at their feet.

The pair look at each other, uncertain thinking: Are we really going to do this?

Greta led first. She gets down on her hands and knees. She pokes her head into the passage. It's dark and narrow. The floor is covered with some kind of stained, worn padding. A few pinpricks of light show down the passageway through holes in the walls. Not the kind of place you would ever choose to enter.

She backs out of the passageway and looks at Malcolm, "Ready?" / "No." Taking a deep breath, Greta crawls into the wall, trailed by Malcolm.

𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 & 𝐂𝐥𝐲𝐝𝐞〚BRAHMS HEELSHIRE〛✅Where stories live. Discover now