𝓦𝓱𝓸 𝓐𝓻𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾?

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𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 29

You can see Cole sleeping on the sofa in the living room. He's sleeping, curled up on the too-small couch. His snores are annoying to anyone's ears. A drop of blood falls on his face, dropped from somewhere just out of frame. Then another drop. And another. Cole stirs, wipes at it with his hand, smearing it around him but he doesn't wake up.

When the sun peaks up behind the hillside. Fogs lift from dew-spangled earth. It's a clear sight that today is going to be a gloomy day. Greta being the first to wake up in the mansion, looks tired, and broken. But pulls herself out of bed as she does her usual routine before helping with Brahms the Doll.

As she dresses the doll. She spokes at him softly as she does. Like a mother coxing her way into her child, promising everything is great. "Everything will be okay. He'll leave and we'll go back to the way things were..." Rumbling from downstairs. Like someone talking to themselves before an angry shout filled the mansion, "GRETA! GRETA!"

You can see the flash of fear on the nanny's face as Cole screams out her name. Memories of the past briskly through her mind as she picks up the doll, holding him close. The storm is coming. Rushing her way to the living room knowing that the longer she isn't there, Cole with rampage around to get to her. She stops in the doorway, afraid to enter.

Cole doesn't notice her at first, too busy scrubbing his face smeared with blood, "GET IN HERE!" Greta still doesn't move she watches as Cole's eyes turn wild, filled with rage. The eye of some animal ready to attack. "W-What happened?" / "Get in here!" She took a hesitant step into the room. The male violently grabs her by the arm and drags her to face the wall before them.

LEAVE : Written in blood. Below it is two dead rats lying in a small pool of blood.

"What is this?" Greta looked at the scene in shock. It was brutal. Blood sprayed everywhere, the scent of fresh but dirty blood lingering in their noses, "I-I didn't..." Cole jerks her arm violently, warning her to be careful of her next move, "Don't pull this shit on me, Greta." / "But it wasn't me."

"Are you telling me it's Evelyn?! Make better excuses!" And as if he had called for the devil. Faint yet quick footsteps from above can be heard as if the person was in excitement. The voice of Evelyn's call reaches their ears, "Greta! Let's play some music, I got my boy to find this amazing vinyl. It's my favorite-" Evelyn sounded too chirpy this morning, unlike the atmosphere.

The pair of eyes followed the sound of the footsteps until Evelyn stood before them at the doorway of the living room. And everything changed, everything before new or maybe it's becoming clearer?

Evelyn is dressed in a black dress that reaches her upper thigh. It's so tight that it hugs her whole figure, from her hips to the size of her chest. With a thin strap holding the dress on her body. She wore similar color gloves that went up to her elbow, one of it is decorated with a white pearl bracelet. She let her hair down and wavy to one side to expose her left ear. Her makeup consists of blood-red lipstick and elegant yet dark eye makeup. Classed in high black boots with heels to match the whole aesthetic.

This Evelyn before them was the opposite in all ways to the Evelyn they knew. But somehow it seems more natural, as if this is her true self.

"Am I in the way here?" Despite the scene of disheveled Greta and red Cole. Evelyn has a lively tone to her still. Moving her hip to one side as she holds up the vinyl to their view, "Some music might help loose this tension."

"E-Evelyn?" Greta whispered, her tone itself asking if that was truly her but seeing how Evelyn responded to her with a hum of innocence, she shook the subject aside. This wasn't the time to think about the change in the girl. She needs to fix this situation before Cole gets his hands on her physically. "D-Did you do this?" Taking this chance, Greta pulled herself away from Cole who glared at her. Giving way for Evelyn to look at the art of blood from rats.

"Very authentic. Is that real blood?" Evelyn shrugs her shoulder. Cole snarls his teeth out, getting annoyed by the second. Greta hesitated, if Evelyn didn't do it then... She looks down at the doll in her hand. She did ask for help in a way.

Evelyn moved to the side of the living room, going over to the record player as she took her time to against the vinyl in it. Her heart rate is beating so fast in adrenaline. It's happening. She took a peak, noticing her Cole's anger just escalated more, "The doll?! The doll wrote this?!" When Greta didn't respond due to her being terrified Cole took action into his hand, "Fine. Okay. I can play this game too!"

He points at Greta, "It wasn't you." Then at Evelyn who turned to face them, her shoulder up as she shrugs them with a thin playful smile on, "It wasn't her either." Then his eyes fell on the doll, heated as if he was trying to burn them with his eyes, "Must be the doll. Give it to me! Hand. Him. Over."

Greta tried to convince Cole, pointing out to any other reasoning behind this but nothing was in her mind. The only thing she could do was beg and plead with him but Cole didn't have any of it. His temper was at his peak, he already played nice long enough. "It's too late for that. I gave you a chance to come clear. Damn it, give me that doll! Now. I'm not joking around!" He lunges at the nanny and grabs her. The two struggle, but Greta is a clear no-match for Cole. He rips the doll out of her arms with one hand and pushes her down to the floor with the other.

Evelyn watches all this intensively. She had one finger on the record player. Inches away from playing it. And once it starts, the game starts. It's a fun rule, to see if they can survive as long as the vinyl places its tune. She just needs Cole to do one single step to start the fun.

"No!" In a flash, Greta is back on her feet. She lunges at Cole who holds her back with one hand. Lifts the doll over his head with the other. He's about to smash the doll on the floor when—

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