"What is it?"


"What?" He goes over, looking at the photo, "That's a really young Xisuma."

"It's kid Xisuma!"

"But who would have a picture of Xisuma? At least a picture from that long ago."

"I was hoping you would know."

"I know you Hermits are nosey but even I know its rude to go through others stuff without their permission."

The two turn around, facing the owner of the voice.

"Now the pieces are coming together."



"You two know each other?"


"I didn't think I'd see you in the Nether after last time. From what we heard you renounced anything associated with this place."

"And I thought you and Hels were banned, guess we're both wrong."

"Who's this pipsqueak?"

"Pipsqueak! Who are you calling pipsqueak!"

"You shortie."

"Why you-"

Tango puts a hand on his shoulder, "Don't bother Grian, he's not worth it."

The British boy looks down at the photo, "...Are you related to X?"

"Gee, what gave it away."

Grian glares at the taller, "I'm just trying to figure out who you are considering I have heard zero about you."

"We should just go Grian, it's not worth the headache."

"Listen to the little Nether traitor and run back up to your admin, if he's even noticed you're missing."

Purple ropes wrap around EX, pulling him to the ground.

"Say that again, I dare you."

"I was wondering how long it would take for you to snap, Xelqua."

"Grian, let him go."

"But he-"

"I know."

Grian studies EX, the ropes disappearing as he walks over, offering his hand.

"What are you doing?"

"Helping you up."

"I don't need yo-"

Grian glares at him, eyes glowing purple.

"I mean thanks or whatever."

The parrot smiles, helping the taller up, "You should talk to him."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure, we should go Tango, I told Scar we'd meet up today."

"Fine by me."

Grian puts the photo back where he found it, following Tango out of the room. Tango sighs as they go through the portal, running a hand through his hair.



"Why did he call you a Nether traitor?"

"Who knows, EX is always trying to get under my skin. Why did he call you Xelqua?"

"Who is Hels?"

"Since when could you use magic?"

"Why are they banned?"

"That's a question for X."

"So, you do know?"

"Know what? Why those two are banned or what you're trying to avoid?"

"I'm not hiding anything."

"Grian, are you a Watcher?"

"A Watcher? What's that?"

Tango stops walking, crossing his arms, "You're a runaway Watcher, aren't you."

"...Don't tell Xisuma."

"Oh G, I don't plan on telling anyone."

"You aren't mad?"

"No, why would I be?"

"That's the typical reaction to Watchers."

"Well, I'm not a typical person, why don't we head to my place, and I can tell you a story."

"I like stories."

"Let's go then."

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