♡Chapter 108♡

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Date: November 6th, 2007
Location: Pizzaplex
Michael: G. Freddy
Noah: ???
Asher: H€@v€n
♡Michael's Pov♡
We walked through the lobby towards the exit. Gregory ran in front of me right when the gates started closing. "No! No no no!" he cried out and tried to pull up the gates but they wouldn't budge. "I am truly sorry Gregory." Freddy said and he looked at us.

"well sorry isn't going to help the fact that I'm now locked in here!" he yelled and gestured to the door. we nodded in acknowledgement, "I understand that Gregory, but at the same time, you're the one who snuck in and snuck into my stomach hatch."

he pouted and crossed his arms. I sighed and went into mother mode. I knelt down in front of him and pulled him into a hug. "can you please explain why you came in?" I asked and he stayed silent. "can you ple-" I tried repeating but he cut me off with a whisper "I don't want to talk about it."

I couldn't hear him. "what?" "I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!" he yelled and pulled away, shocking me. never in my life of knowing this kid have I ever seen him yell. "w-well, where are your parent?" Freddy asked. he muttered something but refused to repeat it. I sighed and stood up and held out my hand for his to take. "come on, lets fine another way out."
♡Gregory's Pov♡
After awhile, I managed to win the laser gun from fazertag which really helped me from getting away from the others. Freddy helped me a lot with sneaking through areas but he seemed different from the others. He seemed and acted more humanlike then the rest, but it was like a switch. One moment he would see humanlike, the next robotic like, and his eyes, they were different colors, but barely, one was a brighter blue and the other.

I shook myself out of my thoughts and focused on the task at hand, getting Roxy's eyes. I had just entered the fazcade to access the office to fix this stupid helper head, but of course, had to do some stupid power thing and flip leavers. after just one, I realized that DJ Music man was gone. I got scared and ran to the bathroom.

there was another leaver and I ran to it, that was also the time where he stuck his hand into the room. I covered my mouth to hold back a scream and pressed myself to the back wall. I waited for a bit until his hand finally retreated. I left the bathroom and looked around more.

Soon I reached the back hall and walked down it. It was filled with old arcade games and cardboard cutouts. I reached the end and saw the last leaver, and a certain arcade cabinet. Princess Quest. Unlike the others, it was on.

I contemplated playing it but decided against it to get Roxy's eyes already. I reached up and pulled the leaver, and hell broke loose. I heard thumping and I looked up and saw DJ Music man start to emerge from the wall.

My jaw dropped and I quickly turned around and ran away. He chased me down the long hall, throwing arcade cabinets. I had to quickly move and dodge the arcades.

Why did this happen to me?! Why couldn't I just find one fricken place to stay the night without risking my life. This place had to be the biggest mistake I've made, thankfully I had Freddy. Who was outside of the arcade and completely useless to me!!

I quickly took the turn and stumbled. I quickly got up and rushed into the office repair room and slammed the door shut. Music man passed by and I breathed a sigh of relief and turned to the machine.

I grabbed the head, that I've been holding this whole time, and put it in the machine and waited a bit for it to be fixed. I grabbed it and rushed out of there.
I took a deep breath as I gripped the wheel, I knew what I was going to do, thats why I didn't buckle up and kept pushing the bot away.

The go-kart started and I quickly pressed down on the gas and went down the track. As I expected, I saw Roxy glaring at me from above and within seconds, she jumped down.

She jumped down in front of me that I shocked me and made me swerve sharper then I wanted to. I fell out of the cart as it went to its side and flipped.

I watched as the cart flipped and hit her right in the face. It hit her so hard I got worried it broke her eyes.

After everything settled, I got up and threw off the helmet and walked to the hole and saw her. She was destroyed. Almost made me feel bad.

I got down and grabbed her eyes and inspected them. "Hopefully this helps us- me."
♡Michael's Pov♡
Gregory came running to us saying he had an upgrade. It confused up but we still let him hide in our hatch and went to the repair room.

I got in the bed and let him do his thing of his 'upgrade' which turned put to be eyes.

After I awoke from this, (he's in like a sleep mode, still on but not conscious) everything looked weird. It had a blue hue and I saw the outline of presents scattered around the place.

I looked at Gregory and my eyes widened. He was different, like he had the outline of him, but underneath was an endoskeleton.
♡951 words♡

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