♡Chapter 72♡

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Date: January 15th, 1995
Location: ???
Michael: Foxy
Noah: Ennard
Asher: H€@v€n
♡Noah's Pov♡
I hung from the ceiling (lol, old habits die hard 😏) I was holding onto pipes and wrapped some of my wires around them. I was talking with Baby. Apparently she was also possessed, as well as ballora, Lolbit, and Foxy. "So, how did you die?" Baby asked. "Suicide." I said. She gave me a sad look "why?" I sighed "me, my husband, and my son were on a road trip to my brother's house when I looked away from the road for a second then a drunk driver crashed into us killing my son, I couldn't deal with the guilt so I killed myself." I said. She gave me a sad look "I didn't listen to daddy, I went to Circus Baby and she killed me." I felt bad for her. She smiled "can you tell me more about your family?" She asked. I smiled "sure, where do you want me to start?" "When did you guys meet?" I smiled "well, in 1973, he was 10, I was 12. He had just moved in and at first he was nervous but quickly warmed up to us." "Who's 'us'" she asked "oh, it was me and my friends, Mark, Stella, and Fredrick." "What was his name?" "Michael, his name was Michael." "Did you like him to begin with?" I shook my head "no, I started to have feelings when we were in sixth grade but I found out I was truly in love with him in seventh." "When did you confess to him?" "In junior year of high school so..." I thought for a minute then smiled "1982" "when did you propose?" I chuckled "you're really into my life now aren't you?" She frowned "well sorry your husband reminds me of my brother." I smiled "well, I proposed to him in 1987." "When did you guys get married?" "1989, best day of my life, besides my son being born." She looked at me confused "two questions, one, how did you get biological son if you have a husband, two, when was your son born?" "Well, my husband has a condition where he has both reproductive systems so he could get pregnant and give birth." She nodded "sounds like my brother." She muttered "to answer your other question, my son, Asher, was born in 1985." She nodded then suddenly hugged me. I rubbed her back "what's wrong?" "Do you think we'll ever get out of here?" I smiled "of course we will, I'll make sure we'll all get out. No matter what the cost is."
♡439 words♡
Yay, another short chapter. Honestly I have no idea what I was doing with this chapter.

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