♡Chapter 32♡

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Date: September 10th, 1985
Location: Apartment
Michael: 20
Noah: 21
Asher: 3 months

I know Mike is too young, but just forget about it, it's needed for the story


Michael's Pov♡

I was sitting on the couch watching TV. The last two weeks were a nightmare. Knowing mom died, in my arms, broke me. I wasn't helping Noah with Asher. All I did now was watch TV, eat, and sleep. I could tell Noah was getting annoyed but didn't say anything.

I wanted to do something else, but when ever I tried to, I just couldn't. I guess depression is comming. I thought of something and got up and grabbed my keys and wallet and walked to my car.


♡Noah's Pov♡

I was rocking Asher trying to get him to sleep. Mike had been slacking off since the death of his mother. I was getting annoyed, but I knew that they were close, and that she died in his arms. I couldn't begin to imagine how much pain he's in. I always tried to help him by cuddling him, hugging him, and cooking food when he wanted it.

Ash finally fell asleep and I placed him down in his crib and turned off the light. I walked down the hall to the living room where Mike was. But he wasn't.

My heart started to pound as I looked around the house but to no avail. Eventually I noticed the small bowl, on the counter that held our keys and wallet, only had my keys. He had left to go somewhere. I bit my lip hoping that he'd be ok.


♡Michael's Pov♡

I walked down the aisles of the store looking for something good. Eventually I found some beer that was said to taste like cotton candy. I smiled and grabbed it and went to the check out and paid for it. I then drove home.

I walked in and dropped my keys and wallet in the bowl and the beer on the counter. I grabbed two cans and went to the couch and turned the TV back on and started to drink.


♡Noah's Pov♡

I laid on the bed reading one of Mike's books, it was boring and I don't understand how he likes reading.

I heard stumbling in the hall and looked up as the door opened. Mike stood there, holding onto the door frame for stability. It was clear he was drunk.

"Mike, what the fuck!" I sat up and Mike giggled and wobbled to me. He climbed on the bed and crawled onto me and collapsed on my chest.

"Mike, why?" I asked. He giggled again and grabbed my face and kissed me. I kissed back but pulled away when he tried to slip his tongue in. I pushed him off to the side and pinned him.

He giggled "ohh~ daddy fuck me~" I blushed and pulled off his clothes "no, your taking a bath" I said and stood up and picked him up. I walked to the bathroom and as I held him in one arm, I turned on the tub with the other hand.

Once it was full, I placed him in the tub. I sighed and knelt down "stay here, I'm going to get your tea." he whined "but please~ I want you master." I sighed and give a quick kiss on his forehead and stood up and left.

As I made his tea, I heard wet footsteps. I turned around and saw Mike, who was still naked, walking to me. "Michael! Go back to the tub!" I said. He just looked at me and continued to walk to me and hug me.

I blushed as I felt his dick pressed against my thigh. I finished his tea and wrapped my arm around him. "Come on darling. Let's get you to bed" I said. He was a lot less horny than earlier which was nice.

I set the tea on the side table and helped him on the bed. I went to the closet and grabbed my hoddie and some boxers. I know Mike preferred to wear panties, which I'm not complaining about, but I felt like boxers would be better. I turned around held them up.

"Would these work" I asked. He frowned and wobbled a bit "nooo~ I'm too hot. Can I have something more... revealing" I blushed and turned back around.

'What would be "revealing" with out being revealing' I grabbed a short crop top and panties. I went to him and dressed him.

I laid down next to him and grabbed his tea as he cuddled into my chest. I held the mug to his lips and let him take a sip.

After half an hour. The mug was empty and he was asleep. I sighed and set the mug on the side table and pulled him close. I kissed his forehead "good night darling." I nuzzled into his hair and asleep.

♡822 words♡

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