♡Chapter 53♡

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April 24th, 1989
Location: Hotel
Michael: 23
Noah: 26
Asher: 4
♡Michael's Pov♡
I woke up naked and being spooned by Noah, who was still sleeping. I looked at the clock and saw that it's was 7 am, so Noah would be asleep for at least another two to three hours. I went to sit up but my back and ass hurt. I flinched and fell back. 'Really Noah.' I thought. I carefully turned around, gritting my teeth trying to ease the pain. I cuddled into his chest feeling the hairs on his chest tickle my nose and forehead. As much as other may find that annoying, I loved it. Noah put an arm over my hip and I flinched and nudged his arm off. I laid there for the next three hours waiting for the pain to subside. Noah groaned and I looked up at him as his eyes fluttered open. He looked down at me and smiled "morning darling." I smiled "good morning love." He wrapped an arm around me and hugged me. I gasped and flinched and gritted my teeth. He immediately noticed and let go "how bad does it hurt, do you need Tylenol?" I nodded fast "it's hurts a lot." He nodded and carefully got up as to not hurt me. "I'll go see the front desk to see if they have anything." I nodded and watched as he got changed. He gave me a peck on the lips "I'll be back." I nodded and laid my head down on the pillow and watched as he left the room. I sighed and closed my eyes and tried to get more sleep. After was seemed like just seconds, the door opened. I opened my eyes and looked up. Noah walked in holding a small ziplock bag. He went to the fridge and grabbed the water bottle and came and sat on the edge of the bed. He opened the bag and grabbed two and the four small white pills and opened the water bottle "open your mouth darling." I opened my mouth and he put the pills in my mouth and held the bottle to my lips and I swallowed the pill. "Eck, I hate pills." He chuckled and rubbed my head. "I know but it was necessary. Now tell me if it still hurts later." I nodded and he took off his shoes and turned on the TV and climbed in bed with the remote and carefully cuddled me. "Remember that you need to take a bath." I nodded and we just watched random shows. Some of them I remembered mother and father watching all those years ago while some others new. After about an hour, the pain finally subsided. I told him and he quickly picked me up and brought me to the bath, which I had not see yet. The counter was rose quartz with quartz flowers embedded on the back corners. The sink was white quartz with gold flakes in it and it was shaped in a flower. There was only a tub in the bathroom which was rose quartz with gold flakes in it and it could be a hot tub. He placed me in it and got undressed and stepped in. He turned on the warm water and when jt was filled, he turned on the jets. I smiled and cuddled into his side. "Oh that feels good." He rubbed my back "I'm sure it does." He cleaned me up and got us changed and ready to explore. "So where do you want to go first?" I looked at the map and something caught my eye "Afton house?" I muttered. He looked over my shoulder "is that where you used to live?" I nodded but I was confused as to why was our old house a tourist attraction? "Let's go there." I said he nodded and we got in the car. I drove over to where the house was and saw what it was. The surrounding houses had been knocked down and a parking lot was added. In the center was the house, my home. I pulled in and parked the car. We got up and I just stared (there we go, got it correct) up at the house. "Was this where you lived?" I nodded and walked to the house. There were people taking pictures of the place but never entering. I looked around and saw a sign with info of the house. I rushed over and read it. 'The Afton house was owned by William Terr Afton who was the creator of modern-day robots and AI. He and his family of four moved to America where he then founded the kids pizzarea, Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. He had his wife, Clara Rose Schmidt, and together they had three children born in this house, the oldest being Terrance Michael Afton, the middle being Michael Terrance Afton, and the youngest being Elizabeth Rose Afton. He then had a fourth son in America named Christopher Evan Afton. Sadly, all but Michael Afton have died. Today Michael is said to live in Stanford California.' I looked at the sign shocked at both that fact that father invented the AI and that they had all this information. I looked up and saw a security guard standing by the door. I went to him "um excuse me, is it possible me and my husband enter the house?" He looked at me "no you can't, it's off limits to anyone who's not related to the family." "But I am, I'm Michael Afton." He gave me a skeptical look "may I ser your ID?" I grabbed my wallet and showed him my ID. He read it over and his eyes will. "Let me go get someone to let you in." He handed me my ID back and rushed off to get someone. After a minute, a woman rushed over and immediately realized that she was my Aunt Jessica. Her hair had got from ginger to a light grey over the years and her once bright green eyes were now dull. She looked at me and smiled and hugged me. "Oh how I've missed you, my favorite nephew." She said in a thick Irish accent. I smiled and hugged her back "I missed you too auntie." We pulled away and looked to Noah, "who's this?" Noah held out his hand "I'm Noah, his husband." Her eyes widened and she shook his hand "you never told me you got married." I gave a small giggle "we got married just the other day ago, we wanted a small wedding without much traveling." She smiled and let go of his hand "well congratulations you two, now let's go in." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a key and held it up to me. "Would you like to do the honor?" I smiled and took the key. I pushed it into the lock and turned it. The door opened and the familiar smell was still there. I smiled and stepped in. I looked around, it looked like they redecorated the place in the same way we had it. I walked down the hall with Noah and auntie following me. Auntie closed the door behind her and walked infront of me. "Its just like how it was." I whispered. The smell of mother's vinalla cookies were still embedded into the walls. I looked around more and then turned to the living room. I swear I saw kid me and Terrance just running though the living room and up the stairs because disappearing. I smiled and walked across the creaky wooden floor to the dull blue couch covered in dust. The small TV was still there with the remote on top in the same place. Noah looked around then hugged me from behind. "So this is what it looked like?" I nodded and he smiled and kissed my cheek "it looks beautiful." I looked up the stairs and wiggled out of his grasp and walked up the creaky steps. I went to my room and smiled. The purple paint was dull and chipping with age. I smiled and looked at all the drawing that covered the walls. I didn't know how they got it, but they did. We explored and stayed in the house for hours before we had to go. I hugged auntie "thank you." I said. She hugged me back "of course sweet cakes." She kissed my head and looked at Noah who stood awkwardly to the side. "Come here dear, you're part of the family." He smiled and hugged her and he also gave a kiss to his forehead, though he had to bend down a bit. We left, with a few weird looks thrown at us as to why we were in the house. We got in the car and drove back to the hotel where we spent the rest of the day just cuddling and watching TV.
♡1491 words♡

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