♡Chapter 106♡

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Date: November 5th, 2007 (I'M ALIVE!)
Location: ???
Michael: Glamrock Freddy
Noah: ???
Asher: H€@v€n
♡Glamrock Freddy's Pov♡
It was Show day today. We were programmed with a new song and performances, and I was excited to do it. 'Hey- um Freddy?' A voice said in my head. I knew who it was, Michael, my new soul. He didn't like me at first but he's starting to soften up with me. 'Yes Mike?' 'Um- since this would be your first performance with me, can I take half control so I can see what happens? So, I can do it myself later.' I smiled knowing he wanted to do this 'of course! The performance starts in fifteen minutes, and we have to go to the elevator in five minutes to get a last-minute check.' 'Oh, okay I can deal with that.' I gave a soft nod, knowing that he couldn't see it anyways. I closed my eyes and dug deep into my consciousness and let go half of it. Within seconds, I felt another presence fill that half. I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror. One eye was my normal bright blue color while the other was a duller and more sky-blue eye, that was him. "Are you ready?" I asked. 'Yup!' He replied. I smiled and got ready before leaving the show (green?) Room and going to the elevator that would take us to the main stage. I met up with Chica, Roxy, and Monty. 'Who are they? You never really introduced them to me.' "I apologize, it appears I have forgotten to. Anyways, the chicken is Chica, the wolf is Roxanne Wolf, or Roxy for short, and the alligator is Montgomery Gator, or Monty.' 'Oh- Roxy looks like she's full of herself but has a soft side while Monty looks like he's ready to kill someone and dance on their body and insist it wasn't him and go back to being self-absorbed.' I stifled a small chuckle and Chica looked at me weird before going back to tuning her guitar. 'I can see Roxy doing that, not so much Monty. I don't think he would go as far as to kill someone, but he can be self-absorbed sometimes' (don't you dare come after me Monty simpies, this isn't 2021 anymore 😡) we got on the elevator and into position as its elevator went up to reveal the stage and hundreds of fans.
We were halfway through the show when my sensors sensed something. 'Freddy?! What's going on?!' Mike asked, it was clear he was freaking out, I kinda was too. 'I don't know superstar, I sense something... dangerous?' I scanned the crowd, and the sensors caught the danger. It was a... child? Something was off. My system started glitching and I was starting to lose balance. 'Freddy!' Mike called but I couldn't answer. I fell with a loud clang and my system failed.


♡482 words♡


another short chapter.... yay?

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