♡Chapter 92♡

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Date: February 17th, 2001 😬
Location: House
Michael: Dead, lol
Noah: Ennard
Asher: H€@v€n
♡Noah's Pov♡
I was in his room looking at the picture with all three of us. I noticed that the picture was slightly ripped and what looked like blood stains on it. I sighed and left his room and went to the living room. He still hasn't woken up yet and I'm starting to think he won't. 'Noah, Elizabeth wants to talk to you.' I sighed 'fine.' I powered off and entered my mind space. When I got there, Elizabeth ran to me. "Bubba!" She squealed with a smile and jumped into my arms. "Hey Lizzy, what's up?" She looked up at me and her smile was gone. "You said we would be free, but since we escaped, we've only been trapped in you, we all want to be free. So we all talked and we decided that we want to separate from you." My eyes widened and I bit my lip. I then closed my eyes and calmed down from the shock then looked back at her. "If that's what you guys want, then I'm fine with it." She smiled and hugged me. "I love you Bubba, I hope we can see eachother again." I hugged her back and kissed her forehead "I love you too Lizzy." Mrs. Afton came and hugged me. I then watched as they faded away as their animatronic wires and souls left. I felt the other girl who possessed Foxy leave and I felt the presents of everyone else leave till it was just me and Ennard. I took control again and saw all the wires leave my body then combine into one big mass of wires before exiting the house through an open window. I sighed and got up and closed the window and watched as they slithered their way to an alleyway. I closed the curtains and that's when I heard a blood curdling scream coming from Mike's room. I jumped into the vent and rushed to his room. I looked through the vent and saw him sitting up while patting his chest and arms. He was fully rotten and purple with thin hair. I jumped down and he looked at me and screamed again. "Hey! Hey! I won't hurt you!" "Lies! You fucking killed me!" That hurt, but he was right. "I fucking hate you!" He yelled, that hurt even more, but he should. "I want you out of my house! Now!" That I couldn't do, he needed me to stay alive, so he doesn't rot to much and die. "I can't do tha-" "Out!" He yelled and pointed to the door. "I can't-" "OUT!" He screamed and something snapped. I rushed to him and grabbed his wrists and pinned him down and used some wires to hold his legs down and to cover his mouth. "I told you I fucking can't! I can't leave unless you want to rot to death then I'll be happy to leave!" I yelled. He looked at me with those black, cold eyes. His beautiful sky blue eyes were gone now, because of me. I sighed and let go of him and didn't let him say anything before I jumped into the vent.
♡Michael's Pov♡
I watched as that stupid mass of wires jumped back into the vents. I sighed and looked back to my hands. They were purple because of rot and wrinkly because the skin was loose. Thankfully both my engagement and wedding rings were still on. I got up and headed to the bathroom to change the old bandages. They were full of old dried blood and haven't been changed in awhile. I don't understand why that thing would put this on. After a bit of struggling, and surprisingly pain, I took off the bandages and replaced them. I then headed to my closet and grabbed one of Noah's old hoddies and put it on. It still had the faintest hint of his scent. I put on some shorts and went to the living room. I kept watching the vents to make sure it didn't get out. I sat on the couch and turned on a movie that me and Noah loved, we would watch it on date nights or nights we couldn't sleep. I grabbed a blanket and cuddled into it and before I knew it, I fell into a deep asleep.
♡737 words♡
Soooo~ I made this as a replacement for the 8-bit minigame in SL because I was an idiot and forgot that existed till after I posed the last chapter and I really don't want to rewrite it so this came... yeah.... hope you enjoyed it and have a wonderful day/night 💗💗💗

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