♡Chapter 23♡

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Date: October 14th, 1984
Location: Apartment
Michael: 19
Noah: 20

♡Michael's Pov♡
It was around 11 in the morning and I was getting ready for my first class of the day. I walked to the kitchen to see Noah making coffee. The bitter smell filling my nose. I walked to him and hugged his waist "I still don't understand why you Americans like coffee so much" he chuckled "I still don't understand why you British like tea so much" I hit his back and he laughed. "Move so I can make my tea" I said as I bummed him with my hip. He chuckled and came to me and put a hand on my head and kissed me "I'm going to the gym, call me if you start to feel sick again" I nodded as I put a kettle on the stove "and Don't be late again" I shot a glare at him. He chuckled and grabbed his gym bag "love you" he said "love you too" I said. I watched him through the window walk down the stairs of the apartment and to his car and drive off. I zoned off looking out the window that I didn't even hear the kettle. I looked at it and poured a cup and put a teabag in. After a few minutes I took out the teabag and stirred sugar in. I grabbed the cup and put the lid on and grabbed my bag and walked out to my car. I got to the college and went to my class. I sat at my desk, next to Stella. "Morning" she said "good morning" I replied and class went on. Near the end of the class, I felt nauseous. I rested my head on the desk and covered my mouth with my arms. The teacher took notice "Michael, are you okay, you seem sick" she asked. I sat up "I do feel a bit ill" "go to the nurses office, bring your bag as well" I nodded and got up with my bag. I was starting to walk when Stella grabbed my hand, I looked down at her "hope you feel better" I smiled and walked off to the nurse. When I got there, I put my bag down and the nurse looked at me and smiled. "Hello dear, why did you come today" she asked "I was feeling quite ill" she nodded "well sit on the bed while I check your file to make sure you're not allergic to anything" I walked to the bed and sat down. I watched as she went to the file drawers and went through the files till she pulled one out that had my name on the tab. She opened it and read it. She read over something that made her shocked and looked up "you're a hermaphrodite" she asked. I nodded "for me it causes me to have both reproductive systems" she nodded and put my file back "have you had any sex in the past 2 or 3 months" blushing, I said "yes ma'am, about 2 months ago" she nodded and walked to her desk and opened a cabinet and pulled out a box and handed it to me. I looked at it and it was a box of pregnancy tests. "Try using them, please bring back any extras, there is a bathroom down the hall" I thanked her and walked to the bathroom and took one of the test out and took it. Once I finished, I paced around the bathroom as I watched the test. 2 marks faded in and I froze in my spot. I grabbed another test and took it, and sure enough, 5 minutes later it was positive. I grabbed the box and rushed to the nurses office and handed her the book "do you have a phone anywhere" she smiled knowing what it was "yes. Down the hall" I grabbed my bag and put the tests in and rushed down my hall to the phone 'please be home. Please be home' I begged to myself as I dialed the home number and held it to my ear. "Hello" it was Noah. I nearby fell to relief "hello" Noah repeatedly. I realized I hadn't spoken yet "Noah, please pick me up" I heard a 'huh' "Mike? Wha- what why, are you feeling sick again" "yeah, I'm at the nurses office" I said "okay, I'll be there in 10 minutes" we exchanged our goodbyes and I hung up. I went back to the office and told the nurse that Noah was picking me up. "Alright dear, I'll email your teacher that you are dismissed for today" I thanked her and walked outside and sat on a bench. Eventually Noah pulled up and rolled down the window "get in bitch" he said. I laughed and got in. He drove us home and before he could do anything. I ran upstairs to our apartment and unlocked the door and ran to our room and locked the door. "Michael what's going on" "nothing" I said as i grabbed a small box and put one of the tests in it and closed it, wrapped it, and put a bow in it. At this point, Noah was banging on the door yelling for me to let him in. I grabbed the box and unlocked the door. Noah busted in and looked around for any puke. I held up the box "suprise" I said. Confused, he grabbed the box and opened it. He looked in and I watched as his face slowly realized what was it was. He pulled out the test and dropped the box. He slowly looked at me. "I-is this yours" I nodded. Noah picked me up and laughed. "I'm going to be a father" he said. I smiled and joined in with laughing. He kissed me and smiled against my lips.

♡980 words♡
Yay, child

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