While my Sister Sleeps

Start from the beginning

He followed Orion into the house and shook his head in disgust, the man didn't even know he was following him. When Orion ducked into the opening of a restroom, Severus snuck behind him and threw a spell at his back. Orion hit the ground loudly, an agonized grunt the only sound escaping him. Severus had sent a slicing hex of his own creation at his unsuspecting back. Blood was pouring from Orion in waves, and Severus stepped away from him quickly. 

Despite what he had told Aurora, he knew the dark lord would probably not let an unsanctioned death of one of his followers go unanswered. He doubted the dark lord would kill him, if he discovered it was Severus, but there would still be retribution. 

Severus returned to Lucius after he left Orion to die in a pool of his own blood. Severus was the only one who knew the counter curse. If someone happened to find him before his last breath, there would still be no hope for the fool. 

The dark lord was indeed upset at the news, and the Malfoy's were also outraged at the damage done to their floors. Diana specifically couldn't stop ranting, about not knowing how she was going to get the bloodstains out of the porous hardwood. 

"I will figure out who acted without my permission and when I do, you will regret your arrogant decision.' The dark lord had told them all, before dismissing the guests. Walburga Black surged forward, howling about how the culprit was standing next to him. Severus had stiffened slightly at her words, but not enough to be noticeable.  

"Severus, is there any truth to this accusation?" The dark lord's eyes roved over him appraisingly and he knew now was the time to confess. However, he did not. Severus was confident no one would be able to tell that he was the one who had struck Orion down. So far Severus had told no one of the spells creation, and he intended to keep it that way. It made for a very useful secret weapon. 

"Of course not, my lord. I would do nothing without gaining your approval first." Severus told him.

The dark lord looked boredly at Walburga as he said lowly, "take your husbands remains and get your affairs in order. I will find out who committed this crime, you need not worry." 

Walburga clamped her mouth shut, though Severus could tell she had more to say. She glared hotly at Severus as she nodded her head curtly, bowed and stepped away from them.

Once Walburga had retreated to the body of her husband, the dark lord turned back to Severus. "I will need you to find out what happened here tonight. Enlist the help of Lucius if need be, but I want the perpetrator dealt with before the end of the holiday. He will answer for his insolence." The dark lord hissed. 

Severus could see that the dark lord was enraged by the thought that someone had acted without his approval. He felt a twinge of regret at his hasty action, but it was gone as soon as it appeared. He wouldn't be found out, so it doesn't matter.

The dark lord dismissed Severus with a warning to find the answer quickly, or there would be a severe punishment waiting for him next time they met. He walked back into the room after his conversation with the dark lord. The hour was late, and even though he could still hear the rumbling sounds of Lucius conversing with a young witch at the bottom of the stairs, Severus  had no desire to participate.

Now, that he was back in the shared room with Aurora, his need to be with her returned forcefully. The lamp near the bed was still turned on, but the rest of the room was shrouded in darkness. His Aurora lay on top of the covers, covered in nothing but a fluffy white towel. 

She must have been anticipating his arrival. He thought slyly. Why else would she not bother to dress herself before going to sleep? Severus knew this was something that she wanted, she couldn't hide her desire from him. 

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