"did you know what was happening?" I ask sick of just wondering, I would rather know the truth

Both of them look at me slightly confused i decide to speak again

"Did you know what my parents were doing to me" I clarify practically pushing the word parents out

"We thought but we didn't know for certain. That's why whenever you came over we gave you everything you could want or need. We gave you so much love in case you weren't getting some anywhere else and if you were then, you just got more" Mrs Martinez explains looking at me how she used to look at me when we still lived near each other

"If you even thought about it why didn't you make sure, why didn't you take me away from them. Why keep me there to be abused" I don't mean to but I get emotional, looking at the two people I thought of as parents

"We tried, we started the process the legal way so if anything happened they couldn't take you away from us, and we were close but then we got a note saying if we didn't leave you with your parents they would take not only Antonio but also Sebastian, they would keep them alive sending a part of them back each week we didn't stop" Mrs Martinez says with tears in her eyes

"We wanted you safe but your family had connections that we didn't at the time, the would have been able to do what they said so we had to stop and for that, I will always be ashamed" Mr Martinez continues on seeing his wife on the brink of crying

"but we made sure we could still know things about your life, we had a person there that was watching over you, they said you were fine nothing bad seemed to be happening and then one day you diapered your parent were dead and we didn't know where you were" Mrs Martinez hurriedly says still trying her hardest not to cry

I really have no idea what to say I mean on the one hand they tried, they tried to get me out and they still had someone looking over me just in case. But on the other, they left me, they left me with those monsters, they allowed me to be abused for so long.

So instead I nod before getting up.

"We better get back up there" Seeing them nod understandingly they get up as well with Mr Martinez carrying one of my baskets again

It's a shorter trip up, with none of us speaking again. Walking through the door the first thing I notice is my older family trying to hold back my younger family almost in a line with Spanish guards standing in front of Antonio. Theo, Charles their parents and Alex standing up but to the side, looking like they are ready to step in whenever they are needed.

Knowing how my younger cousins and the twins can be with new people or hell any person that speaks to me I know they are the ones that caused whatever the hell is happening here, so giving Antonio a small smile trying to say sorry about them without actually saying it, I turn around and face my family who are still trying to hold back the younger ones.

"what the hell are you guys doing?" I exclaim looking directly into the twin's eyes

"how do you know we started it, it could have been Romeo or Antonio" Xavier says looking less pissed than Xander

"Because I know you two it's almost always you guys. Now what the hell happened" Instead of arguing they just put their heads down no even answering my question, so I looked over to Alessandro

"I really have no idea, they were talking then all of a sudden they were getting ready to fight" Alessandro explains shrugging while trying hard not to yell at them in front of our two mafia guests

"I'm really sorry, they sometimes don't think with their brain" I say turning around to look at Antionio and his parents

Seeing them nodding in understanding I go over to the basket we brought up that is now on the table.

"Why don't we all take a break, and eat anything you want" I suggest looking at both Theo and his family and Antonio and his family

The last thing we need is for them to leave and drop their alliances with us all because my stupid brother doesn't know how to push thoughts down. When everyone is sitting down and talking Alessandro and Elijah grab the boys, taking them outside to no dauntedly yell at them, knowing this I follow them.

We go into the elevator and head to the floor below which is empty again. I'm pretty sure we only ever use the top 5 floors when something really big is happening.

"what the hell is wrong with you two, we need the Spanish's help to get these guys and you two wanting to fight their son isn't going to do that. As well as driving the Spanish away you could possibly drive the British away. After all who would want to work with someone who could randomly start fights with people. Think before you do something stupid" Alessandro yells once the elevator is gone and I've shut the door to the room we are currently in

"what the hell could have happened to make that happen" Elijah asks as calmly as he can

The boys look at each other before they look down only mumbling enough so we can hear them

"he was talking about Violet, saying how much he missed her, how he used to practically be her brother growing up. So when we said she already has brothers he made the comment that she didn't grow up with him" Xavier mumbles obvious anger still in his voice

"you have got to be kidding me" I exclaim as quietly as I can, as much as I would love to say something I'm the youngest I shouldn't be parenting them

"of course, he is going to say that, he has known Violet since they were little, when he knew her she didn't have any brothers and he only found out she actually did in the last three hours. It's going to take longer than that for him to remember something like that" Elijah says in his motherly voice but still scolding them

"he should have remembered, he isn't anything like her brother. He doesn't know the first thing about her, we do" Xander almost yells seemingly forgetting I'm here

"as much as I know this pains you to hear, he knows things that not even you know. He was my first best friend and the first person who taught me it was okay to trust some people. He was there for me when you guys couldn't be so instead of trying to hurt him be thankful that he was there making me happy and keeping me safe when you guys were with each other" Having enough I step forward and blurt out.

The twins stand there looking at me almost speechless.

"I'm the youngest, I should have to be telling you guys not to go around bunching people. And next time when you think about punching anyone in that room just remember that they are trying to help find the people who hurt me and the reason we can't go back to our own house" With that I walk out of the room heading straight for the elevator that is almost on standby for the first person to want to get off this floor

Getting back into the meeting room the air is awkward. Everyone is sitting in silence not moving very much. Antonio and James are still trying to hack, not speaking or looking at each other like they were before.

Going over to Antonio I take the seat next to him not saying anything until he looks in my direction.

"I'm really sorry about them, they are way too overprotective and most of the time they don't think" I explain when I know it won't bother him

"It's okay, it was kind of my fault anyway. I didn't think before I spoke to them" Antonio says keeping his eyes on the computer

With that, I get up and walk over to the only empty seat that nobody is sitting near. Sighing I pull out my phone, going through any app that has notification. 

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