And inside a little box, there was a gold chain with a cat's eye jade. She had seen that before! There were only four of these in the world!

She didn't know what to do with these gifts or why Zeth would send them, but she was glad they came anyway. She felt special and cherished just looking at them.

She went to the huge shower in Zeth's private bathroom, putting the song ‘Animatronic’ on loop while she showered.

There was even a tingling in her fingers and her heart was beating very fast.

She had grabbed some of the shower items she used last night, the ones Zeth had left for her under the sink in case she spent the night here, and settled in for a long, warm shower.

As she washed her hair, her body responded automatically and began to move to the beat of the song.

It was one of those she could dance to all day long.

The music was so intoxicating and maddeningly catchy that it had actually driven her to outright insanity, and she was pretty cool with that.

As for the actual lunacy of the song, it was frenetic.

But although the song was very good, Jade was also worried about the lyrics, wondering if Draco was okay. Perhaps he wrote this song in a dark moment, alone in the darkness, with his beautiful bloodshot scarlet eyes on the verge of madness. This was a masterpiece, though. And Draco always seemed to create the best songs in his worst moments.

“Call me Animatronic. Watch me dance and sing! I’ve been stuck singing this song for many years.” As Jade had already memorized the chorus of the song, she started singing in the shower. “Someone broke my bones. Can’t find my own way home!” She even grabbed her back brush and held it up as if it were a microphone, “There’s a tortured soul that cries inside of me! The dark side of me.”

The music on the tablet played its usual loop again, and again.

By the time Jade applied some conditioner to her hair, she had already memorized the entire song.

Then, once she was done, she went to get her new clothes.

When she entered the bedroom, she dressed up quickly.

“Take me back home, home. Can’t feel my bones, bones,” Jade sang the bridge of the song as she sat in front of a table with a huge triangular mirror to put on her earrings and take out the necklace Zeth had given her, “I am here, help me. Hear me now! Hear me now! Hear me now, help!”

Her heart warmed, and her cheeks flushed as she carefully undid the clasp on the necklace and slipped it around her neck.

The weight of the jade against her collarbone made her breathe in deeply and smile.

When she saw how elegant and rebellious she looked, she had to bite her lip to stop the tears from welling up in her eyes.

This was such a wonderful feeling!

She felt loved!

"Yeah-eh. Yeah-eh-eh! Yeah-eh-eh-eh. The dark side of me! Yeah!" While Jade was fluffing her hair with her hands in front of her mirror, singing, she noticed that it was now soft, and silky. "Wow, I look radiant today!"

Soon enough, she put on her ankle boots and headed down the hall to have breakfast.

"There's a tortured soul that cries inside of me! The dark side of me!" Jade sang at the top of her lungs as she passed Finn, Alex, and Draco's doors, moving her hips. "I'm just a friendly face, I sing and dance on stage." Something had filled her with energy because she even jumped outside Frank's door. "Deal with it, it's showtime!"

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsWhere stories live. Discover now