The War

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*Two months later*

I was so sick and tired of just sitting at home and hiding. I was no use for anyone. I was three months pregnant now and Tom was getting paranoid about it. He wouldn't let me do anything. It was kinda ironic that he
almost wasn't coming to the apartment so I couldn't see him that often. I just couldn't wait for this war to be over so I could be with Tom.

Tonight everybody was so stressed out, but no one was telling me what was going on. "We gotta leave now." Remus stood up from the dining table "Who's staying with Y/n?" Molly asked "Wherever you go, I come with you." I said. "I'm so sick and tired of you treating me like a child. I want to win this war as much as you all do." finally, I could let it all out. "I don't care, Y/n you are staying here." Tom said seriously. "But-" I started but he cut me off "No." he pulled me by my arm and we walked in a random room.

Tom closed the door and leaned on it "Look Y/n, I can't let you fight." he said and I rolled my eyes "I'm not a kid Tom. I can decide for myself just fine." I crossed my arms in front of my chest. "Just listen to me, will you?" he tilted his head to the side. I kept my silence and he continued "I won't forgive myself if something happens to you or the baby." his eyes filled up with tears "Please, Y/n, don't make this harder than it already is." he begged. "I understand, but you have to understand me too, I can't just let you fight out there without me by your side. What if something happens to you? Then I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." a tear rolled down my cheek "Nothing will happen to me, I promise." he wiped the tear off with his thumb "I refuse to raise this child alone. I can't do it without you." now I was crying "Hey hey." he hugged me "I'm not going anywhere. I will be here to raise our kid together, there's no way you are getting rid of me this easily." he laughed and kissed me on top of my head. "Okay, but be careful." I hugged him even tighter. "I love you, Y/n." he whispered "I love you, Tom." I kissed him.


It was 5 am the next morning and no one have returned yet. I couldn't sleep all night worrying about them mostly worrying about Tom. I couldn't help myself but thing about the worst scenarios posable.

I was in my room when I hear the front door opening. I quickly ran downstairs. Molly walked in crying, she was hugging her husband after them walked Ginny and George they weren't crying but it was clear that they had already cried a lot. After them walked the golden trio. Harry was alive so it ment we had won the war I couldn't help myself but smile. I was still standing at the staircase. I raised to my toes and looked at the door waiting for Tom to walk in "He's not coming." Hermione said quietly I turned to her "What do you mean?" I asked and only by the look on her face I new what had happened "No." I whispered, my eyes filled up with tears "I'm so sorry." she hugged me. I bursted into tears. "He couldn't be dead." I didn't want to believe in that "I'm so sorry, Y/n, I couldn't save him." Harry rubbed my back. I sat down on the stairs and buried my head in my hands and cried.

*11 years later*

It was 1 September. After driving my kid to the train station and waiting for her to get on the train I went to the cemetery. It's been 11 years since Tom died in the war and it was the first time I came to visit him. I was afraid to visit him, but I finally was ready.

I walked to his grave and the tears started rolling down my cheeks immediately. "Hello, Tom." I wiped my tears away "I'm sorry I didn't come earlier to visit you, I was some sort of running from the reality, I guess. I still can't believe that you are dead. I can't help, but blame myself for everything, I shouldn't have let you go alone." I pulled a napkin out of my pocket and wiped my eyes."Anyway, we have a daughter, Tommy and she looks exactly like you. She has the exact same dark hair and eyes, her skin is pale just like yours, but most importantly her personality is just like yours. Every time I look at her I see you." I couldn't breathe for a moment. I fell down on my knees and ran my fingers through my hair "Why did you leave me Tommy? You promised me that you wasn't going anywhere, what happened? I wish it was me laying here instead of you. You deserved to live more than I ever did." I was trying so hard to don't loose my shit but I was falling. "And when I remember that before I got to know you I wanted to die instead of being with you I can't help but hate myself for that." I stoop up "I wish we had spent more time together." I wiped my tears once again, before leaving I whispered "I love you, Tom."


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