At Least Someone Looks Happy

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I was sitting in my place on the slytherin table from my first day here next to my friends. Normally, I used to get so excited about the sorting ceremony, but this year everything was different. I didn't applaud for the new slytherins and I didn't look at the delicious food in front of me. I wasn't in mood to do anything.

Everyone around me was eating and talking enthusiastically, but I was in my own world. My thoughts took over me and I wasn't able to think about anything, but ways to prevent the wedding from happening. Maybe if I starved myself for long enough I would die before the end of the school year or if I just cutted my vains and committed suicide. I mean Tom wouldn't marry a corpse, would he? Prehaps I could start smoking and eventually die from cancer or I could just jump from the astronomy tower. Wait why do I have to kill myself? I can just kill Tom. I wouldn't marry a corpse for sure. It's funny how all my solutions end with a dead body.

"Y/n!" Tom's cold voice took me back to reality. I just looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Are you okay?" he asked. Funny, does he actually care now that he will be my husband.

"Why?" I asked annoyed.

"You didn't touch your food and kind of zoned out." he said with his 'I know everything' voice. I wished I could throw something at him, doesn't matter what as long as it hurts him.

"I'm fine and besides it's none of your
business." I rolled my eyes at him.

"It is my business Y/n." he leaned towards me

"Since when?"

"Since father told me that we are getting married." he tried to keep his cool, but it was clear that it was really hard to do so. He was holding onto his knife so hard that his knuckles were turning white. Not gonna lie I liked seeing him mad.

"Well I don't care. Keep yourself out of my business." I stood up and made my way out of the great hall. As I was leaving I couldn't help but notice professor Snape's strict look and Harry Potter's curious gaze.

I went straight to my dorm. I had to do something that will keep my mind busy, so I don't go crazy. I started unpacking my stuff. I pulled out my clothes and put them in my wardrobe. Then I pulled out my school books and supplies and put them on my desk then I pulled out of my suitcase some muggle novels that I really enjoyed reading. I had to hide them at home, because my parents were strictly against muggle literature 'Our books are more than good enough what for do you need those muggle rubbish?' mother used to say every time I came back home with hands full of books. I put the books on the ground. My bathroom supplies such as toothbrush, soap, etc I left in my suitcase. It was a pity that we didn't have our own bathrooms in our dorms. Everytime I had to use the restroom I had to go up to the first floor and it was really hard since we mustn't leave the common rooms after ten pm. I did anyway, though. I loved sitting at the astronomy tower and just watching the moon and the stars. The amount of poetry I wrote there is unbelievable. Sometimes, when the tower was busy with students who were making out, I went and sat by the black lake. I loved reading there. It was nice knowing that I had places to go whenever I felt sadness. I knew that this year I'd be there more often than ever.

The door opened with a squeaky sound. I turned to face Pansy who had a big smile on her face.

"Someone looks happy." I joked playfully.

"And someone looks depressed." she said and threw herself on her bed. My smile immediately disappeared.

"So Y/n what's wrong with you?" she turned to face me.

"Nothing everything is fine." I tried my best to avoid eye contact.

"Oh, come on girl. I know you since forever do you actually think I will believe in that?" she reached out and pulled the suitcase from under her bed.

"Don't worry Pan Pan everything is just fine, if somethings goes wrong you know that I will tell you." I tried to make her believe me, but even I didn't believe in that bullshit. She seemed like she believed me, though.

"So tell me, who is the reason for that big smile?" I sat on her bed beside her.

"Should there be a reason for me to be happy?" she opened the suitcase "I might just enjoy life, the little things in it." she pulled out a bottle of whiskey.

My eyes widened "How did you get that in here?" I asked.

"The same way Blaise does." she winked at me.

I had no idea what she meant by that, but I went along with it. Blaise was our dealer for everything. You need some alcohol? No problem call Blaise. You need drugs or cigarettes? Mr Zabini is the right person. Also he organised every single slytherin party. That's why all of them where superb.

"Anyway, talk! What happened?" I took the bottle out of her hand and put it back in her suitcase.

"Okay okay! Mattheo asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him." she said happily

"Like on a date?"

"Like on a date or not who the fuck cares? He asked me! That's what is important." she said "He could of asked any other girl, but he didn't." she added. "Do you think that he fancies me?" she stood up.

"I don't know. I never noticed anything." I said nervously, I didn't want to make her exited over nothing and ruin everything.

"Can you ask him, though? Not directly!" she warned me "but maybe say something nice or mean and see his reaction?" she suggested.

"I have a better idea." I smirked "Tomorrow night we should ask the boys to come over and we could play truth or dare, so you could ask him whatever you want." I smiled when I saw her smile. "Let's go to sleep now. Tomorrow we have classes." I said and went to my bed.

I tried to fall asleep, but for hours I just turned in bed. I couldn't get Tom's stupid face out of my mind. Nor did I could get the moment when my parents told me about the arranged marriage. I was so mad at them, at Tom, at myself. I was mad with the whole universe because it made me go through this.

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