Great News

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After breakfast an owl brought me a letter. I was expecting it to be from my mother or father because I haven't heard from them since I got married, but the letter was from no one else than Pansy. I saw her just yesterday what could of possibly happened. I quickly began reading the letter.

Dear Y/n,

I know we saw each other just yesterday, but you won't believe what happened once Mattheo and I left the car. He didn't teleport us to my place, but to the beach. He had prepared a beautiful picnic for us.
The most exciting part is that at the end of the night he proposed and of course I said yes. We'll get married as soon as possible and I'd love you to be my matron of honor.


I couldn't believe my eyes. Mattheo finally had the courage to propose to her. I was so happy for them and I was really happy because once they got married I would have someone that I actually enjoy spending time with in this house. That's a bit selfish, I know, but I might be able to help her too if she gets sad.

I couldn't stop smiling when Tom walked in our room. He looked at me confused, he wasn't used to see me happy around him. I ran to Tom and hugged him. "I have great news." I said still hugging him "If you don't let go off of me, I swear to God-" I really didn't want to hear the end of his sentence so I let go "Sorry." I said embarrassed "So what are those great news?" he raised his eyebrows and I could tell that he was annoyed "Pansy and Mattheo are getting married!" I said enthusiastically trying to avoid his bad energy "Oh, that. I know." he rolled his eyes "You know? When did they tell you?" I asked offended. Sure, Tom is Mattheo's brother, but if anything I helped them the most with their relationship. "I helped Mattheo plan everything." he said like it wasn't a big deal "You?" I laughed unbelievably "Yes, me. Why are you so surprised from that?" he looked offended "I didn't know that you could be romantic, that's why." I giggled. With quick steps Tom came closer to me and pushed me on the bed then got on top of me. "Oh, darling, believe me, I can be romantic if I want to." he whispered in my ear "I don't believe you." I whispered in his ear and tried to push him off of me, but he didn't budge "You don't believe me?" he chuckled "You've never been romantic towards me, so why should I believe you?" I snapped. He was so good at ruining my mood "Fine." he stood up "Tonight, dinner at 8, be ready and wear something nice." he ordered me and walked out. "So romantic." I rolled my eyes and sat up. There's nothing romantic in his invitation and he claims that he can be romantic. Normally, I shouldn't go to that dinner, but that might be my last chance at seeing him at least a bit romantic, also, I'm scared of what he can do to me if I don't show up.

*A few hours later*

It was already past 8pm, I was ready just waiting for my husband, but Tom was nowhere to be seen. Where was he? I bet he forgot about the dinner. I waited for him till 9:30 pm anyway, but he didn't show up so I decided to start getting ready for bed. Once he got home I was going to give him the worse attitude that I could. I was going to drive him insane, he deserved it.

I just removed my makeup when I heard the front door opening with a bang and a cry which I assumed was Bellatrix's. I quickly ran down the stairs to see what was going on. I almost tripped and fell because of the high heels.

I walked in the living room where they were and quickly took off the heels. Once I looked up I gasped at the view, my eyes filled with tears. Tom was lying on the couch and he was covered in blood. I couldn't tell whether he was conscious or not. His parents were around him. Bellatrix was crying, I've never seen her like this before. She always looked so strong, I guess her weakness was her family. Voldemort on the other hand didn't seem so worried. "What happened?" I ran towards the couch and kneeled in front of Tom. "I'm trying to find out." Voldemort said calmly. How could he be calm at a time like this? "Is he alive?" I asked cowardly, I wasn't sure I wanted to know the answer "Of course he is you stupid girl." Voldemort snapped and left the room. I removed a strand of hair that was on Tom's forehead so it didn't get covered in blood. I tried to rub his cheek, but as I touched his face his hand grabbed my wrist stopping me. I groaned because of his grip, it was way too harsh. He opened his eyes and when he realised that it was me he let go off of my wrist. "How are you feeling, Tom?" I asked "Who did this to you?" Bellatrix asked at the same time. "I'm alright and don't worry mother I will take care of him."
he tried to stand up, but it was clear that he was in so much pain "Where do you think you're going?" I pushed him to lay back down. "Since when do I have to explain myself to you?" he asked sarcastically "From now on." I said frimley "Mother leave us alone." he ordered to his mom and she obeyed. She left the room closing the door behind her. "Wait here I'm going to get a first aid kit." I stood up "Don't move!" I said once I was at the door.

I quickly returned in the living room and I was pleasantly surprised to see Tom still lying there in the same position as I left him. "The dress looks good on you." he complimented me as I kneeled in front of him. I was wearing a long white satin dress with a slit on the leg. "It's a shame we didn't went to the dinner." he added. "Are you serious right? I don't care about the stupid dinner I'm just glad you're okay." I opened the kit and pulled out cotton and iodine to clean the wounds. "I promise I'll take you out for dinner really soon." he said and I didn't really believe him, but I nodded. "I'm being for real, Y/n." he lifted my chin with his thumb and index finger so I would look him in the eye. "Okay, Tom." I continued with cleaning his wounds "You look so sexy in that dress, don't wear it again." At these words I pressed the cotton harder on a wound. He groaned with pain and sent me an angry glance "What?" I smiled, I decided to play dumb. "Nothing." he said through his teeth. I pulled out bandage from the kit and started wrapping the wounds. "Alright, you're all done. Do you want something? Water? Food? A pillow?" I tried to fix the pillow under his head "Maybe a kiss?" he asked. How could he be such a flirt at that moment? "Good night, Tom." I turned around, but he grabbed my hand stopping me "I'm kidding. Could you help me to my room?" he sat up with a lot of effort "Of course." I helped him stand up. He threw one arm around my shoulders and I wrapped mine around his waist.

"Let me help you get changed." I helped him sit down on the bed "So I had to almost die so you could spoil me, huh?" he chuckled "Shut up." I couldn't help but blush. I threw on him grey sweatpants and a black T-shirt. He took of his now red shirt because of the blood and threw it on the floor then he took off his pants and with my help he got in the sweatpants. "Your bleeding again." I gasped because the bandage across his chest was red "Let me get the kit."
he grabbed my hand and said "Just stay here, it doesn't matter." I rolled my eyes and got it anyway.

After I was done with the wound I handed him the T-shirt. "It's too hot." he threw it on the floor, annoying me. I couldn't help but stare at his six pack. It's not like I see him half nake for the first time, but it's different now. It's not in a intimating way, it's more important. Feels like we actually could love and care for each other "Enjoying the view?" Tom took me out of my trance and remained me why we never will be in love. "Go to sleep." I snapped and got under the sheets. "Night, darling." he said and I turned my back to him.

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