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The next morning I woke up and did my morning routine as always. I took a shower, got dressed and went to the great hall to have breakfast. As always I sat at the slytherin table next to Pansy. Tom was already there, he was sitting in front of me and he was reading a book. One of the things I've noticed about Tom is that he never had a real breakfast, he always had just a big cup of black coffee with no sugar no cream no nothing. I could see why he liked his coffee that way, it represented his heart. His heart was as black and bitter as his coffee, also, his heart was devoid of sweetness. Perhaps that's why he devoid his coffee of sugar, too.

I realised that I was staring at Tom when he took his eyes off of his book and locked them on me. I quickly looked away and finished my breakfast as fast as I could.

My first class was defence against dark arts. I actually thought about skipping it and joining Mattheo he always skips classes, but I knew that Snape would tell my parents and I'll get in trouble so I was right on time sat on my desk next to Pansy. Thankfully, the seat next to her was empty. The class was as boring as always, but once it was over Snape called me and Tom to stay for a bit. Now I knew I was in trouble.

As we both were approaching Snape's desk we exchanged looks and it made it clear that Tom didn't know what was going on either. That was weird. He always knew everything.

"I suppose you know why I called you." the professor said "No, actually we don't." I said on behalf of both of us. "Oh really? When did you go to bed last night, miss Malfoy?" Snape  looked really annoyed. I decided to remain silent so I don't annoy him even more. "This morning Mr. Filch was kind enough to inform me that you two were running around the castle late at night or would it be better if I said very early in the morning around 3 am?" it was clear that the professor was trying to keep his cool and stay calm. "Do you have any excuse for doing so?" he asked "Well, professor, as you know I'm the house perfect so I have the right to be out of the common room past ten pm." said Tom trying to get himself out of the trouble we were in. Snape just nodded and turned to me "Miss Malfoy?" he raised an eyebrow "I was sleep walking." I said the first thing that came to mind. I looked at Tom who was trying so hard not to laugh. Snape was looking really disappointed at me, it was clear that he didn't believe me. "Today after classes I want you here, you will clean the classroom and no magic while doing it." the teacher said and I sighed. At least I would have some time alone. Tom laughed at my face expression "You find it funny, Mr Riddle?" the professor turned to face Tom who stopped laughing immediately "No, sir." Tom said "Detention for you too. Together with miss Malfoy you're going to clean my classroom." as Snape said Tom was ready to complain "Now off you go." he said before Riddle could even say a word.

Once we were out of the classroom Tom turned angrily at me "Look what you just got us into." he rolled his eyes "I wasn't running alone from Filch last night, was I?" I snapped back. For the first time Tom got silence and didn't say something mean. He just walked away. I walked to my next class and tried to pay attention, but I couldn't, I was falling behind almost at every single one of my classes.

Once the last bell rang I quickly made my way to the DADA classroom. Tom was waiting for me outside. He opened the door "Ladies first." he waited for me to walk in first. "Such a gentleman you are." I said sarcastically, he only rolled his eyes. "Here." Snape handed a broom to Tom and handed me a bucket full of soapy water and a rag. "You better start right away, I'll be back in an hour." he left the room without saying anything else.

Once Snape was gone Tom propped up the broom on Snape's desk and sat down in his chair. He pulled his wand out and made the broom start sweeping the floor. "I guess you didn't hear what Snape told us?" he looked at me annoyed and said "Do you actually think that he cares if we clean with or without magic?" oh how annoying he was "Yes." I replied "Well, you are stupid." he waved his wand and the rag slipped out of my hand. The rag dipped into the bucket and, after rising in the air, began to clean the desks.  "What?" I was offended "You heard me, darling." Riddle smirked shamelessly. "I hate you." I made my way to the door. I couldn't stand him. But once I reached it with another wave of his wand Tom locked the door "Are you being serious right now?" I turned to look at him "What do you think?" the smirk was still on his lips. I looked for my wand in my bag, but it was no where to be found "Are you looking for this?" Tom spun my wand between his long fingers. "Give it back, Riddle!" I said once I was out of the shock. How did he even got my wand in first place? "In one condition." the smirk on his face grew. "What do you want now, my soul?" I asked sarcastically "I was thinking about a kiss, but your suggestion would do too." he answered as sarcastically as me. "I won't kiss you." I said confidently "Then I won't give your wand back." he stood up "You're such a baby." I rolled my eyes "Oh, darling, no need to call me baby." he started slowly walking towards me "But if you really want to give me a pet name I would prefer love." he was now way too close to me I started walking backwards, but my back hit the door "What's that darling, do I make you nervous?" he put his hands on both of my sides, making it impossible for me to run away. I was trapped now. "Oh don't be nervous, I won't hurt you." he held my chin so I was forced to look him in the eye. "You know that, right?" he was waiting for an answer, but for the fact that he was so close to me, I couldn't say a word without stuttering so I just nodded. "Speak, darling!" he commanded "I want to hear you." he whispered in my ear and slightly bit my earlobe "I don't know." I said barely audibly. "Speak up." said Tom firmly "I feel like you can hurt me." my voice was shaky "Oh, sweetheart." he laughed "I can do whatever I want to to you, but I won't without your permission, don't worry I won't hurt you, I'm not a monster." he scared me even more. In my eyes he was a monster a cold hearted one. He could kill me without even blinking and he wouldn't feel anything about it. He is a monster. "You don't actually mean that." he must of read my mind "Get out of my head, Riddle." I yelled "Where's the fun in that?" he grinned. Surprisingly he pulled away and quickly waved his wand the rag fell in my hand and the broom came to Tom. In few seconds Snape walked in "You can go now." he said after quickly taking a look at his classroom. Without waiting any longer I stormed out of the room away from Riddle.

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