The Muggle Club

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I woke up to the laugh of men. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock it was 7:30pm. I got out of bed and went to the first floor.

The voices were coming from the living room so I walked in. "Oh, the great four are back together." I smiled. On the couch opposite the door sat Draco and I went to hug him.
"I missed you, lil sis." Draco said as he pulled out of the hug. I relaxed on the empty place next to him. "Boys night?" I asked and Mattheo nodded "Do you have a problem if I stay? I'm dying of boredom."

"Of course not." Blaise said from his comfortable armchair "We didn't know what to do anyway." he explained "Guys, why don't we call your wives and Mattheo's girlfriend to go to a club?" I suggested and looked at them one by one. "Muggle club?" Tom raised an eyebrow. "Yes." I stood up and sat in the hand seat on the couch where Tom was sitting. "It's going to be fun. A muggle born friend of mine told me there was music and people were dancing until the morning." I put my hand on Tom's shoulder, who was looking at me disapprovingly. "And that's supposed to be fun?" Mattheo aksed from his seat next to Tom on the couch. "There's gonna be alcohol." I smirked.
"You've got my attention." Blaise leaned forward. I'm pretty sure I noticed lights shining in his eyes. "We have alcohol at home." Tom rolled his eyes annoyed. "Come on, it's going to be fun." I noticed their eyes saying a firm 'no'. "Fine, if you don't want to come, I'il go with the girls." I tried to stand up but Tom grabbed my hand. "What?" I raised my eyebrows. "We will not leave you alone, it is dangerous, we will come with you." Tom said and the boys sigh "You won't regret it, I promise." I put a quick kiss on his cheek and stood up. "Why don't we meet here at 10:00?"

"Do you think Astoria will be ready in such a short time?" Draco looked at me quite annoyed.

"You better go tell her now. Blaise Luna will make it, won't she?" I went to the door "She will don't worry." he raised his thumb up. "Pansy?" I turned to Mattheo. "I'll go to her place and ask her." he stood up "Perfect! See ya later." I said and left the room.

I went up the stairs running. I walked into my bedroom and I almost fell. I stood in front of the wardrobe and looked around it. After a solid 30 minutes, I chose my dress.

Black, short, satin dress

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Black, short, satin dress.

I put on high black heels and put on silver jewelry. I put on makeup and put my hair in a bun.

I turned around and noticed Tom staring at me shamelessly from the stairs. When I looked at him his smirk grew even bigger. "How long have you been standing there?" I asked "Long enough." he saie whit hoarse voice.
"Why didn't you just come in?"

"If I'd come in, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy the view." he approached me. I didn't answer, I looked at the ground trying not to blush but it didn't work. "This night is going to pass really slowly." He put his hands on my waist and pullee me closer to him "I don't know how I'm going to hold on." he lowered his hands down and squeezed my ass. "I like the way you look in that dress, but I'd like you better without it." he smirked and I blushed even more.
"Are you ready? Our friends will be here any moment." I backed off but he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards himself. "I'm ready to be on top off you, under you, in you, next to you doesn't matter it's enough if i can touch and taste you one more time." he kisses me and as much as i didn't want to i stepped back. "Let's go Tom." I insisted "Rude, very rude! Wait till we get back from that filthy club." He turned around and went down the stairs. For a few seconds, I looked at the place where he was standing. I shook my head and went down the stairs after him.

"Y/n!" Luna huged me as soon as I walked into the living room "I missed you." she said "I missed you too Luna." I smiled. After her, I was hugged by Pansy and Astoria. "If we're all here, we can go." Tom grabbed my hand. "And how do we get to the club?" Astoria grabbed Draco's hand.
"By car?" I said as if it wasn't obvious.
Sometimes Astoria was really annoying with her stupid question.


We finally arrived in front of the club. It was pretty hard to get in the car because there wasn't much space, but it was worth it.

After we got off, Pansy threw up and complained because I was driving terribly. "Stop complaining, Pansy." i said "Let's go in." I grabbed Tom's hand and pulled him towards the entrance.

At the entrance was standing a tall man with sunglasses. "It's already dark outside for what he needs sunglasses?" Astoria said behind me, it was like she was reading my mind.
"Good night." I said to the man and he. only nodded then he let us in.

I went inside and I was immediately flooded with loud music. It was smelling like alcohol cigarettes and sex. Inside it was dark and there were patterned lights. I held onto Tom's hand even harder and pulled him to the bar. We sat on the empty chairs. Our friends sat next to us.

We had a drink, and then we had another one, and another one.
The night was progressing and all of a sudden I felt like I dancing until I couldn't stand up anymore. "Tom let's dance." I shouted in his ear so he could hear me. "No Y/n, I don't feel like dancing." he leaned and shouted in my ear "Whatever." I stood up and walked towards the dance floor.

I started to shake my hips in the tact with the music. Tom and I had strong eye contact the entire time. He raised his glass of whiskey and I bit my lower lip "Hey, beauty." Tall boy with ashy blonde hair and blue eyes approached me "What?" I said because I didn't hear him very well "I said if you're free tonight. Maybe we can have a drink or two?" he put his hand on my waist. "If I were you, I'd put my hand away." I looked at Tom.

Tom drank his full glass in one breath. He put the glass on the bar counter pretty hard and stood up.
His expression was serious and angry.

He came up to us and his fist landed on the stranger boys's face. The boy put his hand where he had just been hit and he was fiercely looking at Tom. "You son of a bitch." he groaned and punched Tom.

After that hit, Tom immediately hit him for the second and then a third time. The boy fell to the ground and the people around us gather in a circle. Tom leaned over him and hit him again and again. Punch after punch. The boy's face was covered in blood as well as Tom's hands. Security came and dragged Tom outside. Our friend group and I followed them.

"Buddy, I don't want to deal with the police, so just go away." the guard said. Tom groaned and straightened the collar of his shirt and git in the car. "Thank you." Luna smiled at the guard and we all got in the car.

I sat behind the wheel Tom was sitting on the passenger seat. In the back seat behind me sat Draco in the middle Blaise and at the end Mattheo. Their girlfriends sat on their laps.

I turned on the car and we drove off. Mattheo broke the silence that had reigned. "What the hell was that, Tom?"

"No one touches what's mine." Tom said still angry "Fair enough, but you shouldn't have beaten him until he fainted." Blaise added. "Oh so you're telling me you wouldn't do the same?" Tom asked annoyed. "I would do the same for Astoria." Draco admitted. "Oh, baby." Astoria kissed him pasionetly. "Anyway, do you have a problem if I don't drive you home and you just apparate?" I asked to change the subject "Bet." Blaise grabbed Luna by the waist and disappeared and the others follow his example.

"Looks like it's just you and me again." I said and looked at him for a second.
"Stop the car." he ordered "I can't just stop in the middle of the road." I shook my head "Oh, yes, you can." he was so good at doing magic without his wand. The car stopped and turned off. I tried to start it, vut it didn't work. "Why did you do that?" I asked confused. "I want you." he simply replied "Can't you wait till we get home at least?" I raised my eyebrows "No, get undressed now!"

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