Back To Hogwarts

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I woke up and checked the time. It was 6 am. I really didn't want to leave my warm, comfortable bed, but I didn't have other choice, did I?

I sat and the little green ring caught my attention. It was laying on my nightstand. I took it between my fingers and played with it for a few minutes then I left it on the nightstand.

I had to get ready to leave for Hogwarts. I used to love Hogwarts, it really was like my second home. I used to be so excited to return there, I was getting ready with a smile on my face and I was singing to myself, but not this time. There was no sign of my smile nor my good mood.

I lazily pushed my feet to the bathroom where I brushed my teeth. I put on black baggy jeans and a quidditch jumper that I had stolen from my brother and I put my hair in a pony tail. Normally, I used to put on makeup, but I didn't bother this time. I couldn't care less.

I grabbed my luggage and went down to the dinning room. Father was already there, he was drinking his black coffee while reading the newspaper. "Morning." I sat in my usual seat "Morning dear did you sleep well?" he asked without taking his eyes off of the paper. "Sure." I said and before I could say anything else Draco and mother walked in. "Are you ready to go?" Draco asked "One minute." I stood up and rushed to my room "We have to leave now, or you are going to miss the hogwarts express." I heard mother saying behind me.

I ran in my room and picked up the ring from the nightstand. I put it in my pocket and ran back downstairs. "What happened?" mother asked "Just forgot something. Let's go." I said casually.

After our first year at Hogwarts, father stopped coming with us to the station, but mother always did come.
The ride went in silence as it always did. "I know you don't want me to walk you to the platform." mother said as the limousine stopped. "So good luck and please don't get yourself in trouble." she hugged us. To be honest I wanted her to walk us to the platform more than anything. This might sound childish, but I needed the support from her.

Once we were at the station we rushed to get to platform 9 3/4. My legs were shaking as we ran through the wall. If I didn't get on the train, I wouldn't go to Hogwarts. Which means that I would never graduate and I won't marry Tom. I doubt that the drak lord wants his son to marry a drop out.

I guess Draco read my mind because he grabbed my hand. I looked at him. He said nothing to me, but his eyes did. They told me that he was next to me and I wasn't alone. We smiled at each other and walked in the train. Draco might seem arrogant and like a bad person, but he sure was an amazing brother.

We looked for our friends and found them sitting in one compartment. Pansy, Mattheo and Tom were talking about something. "Hi guys." Draco said and sat next to Pansy. "Where is Blaise?" I asked "He went to see Luna, probably he will be here any second." Pansy answer. She was my best girl friend and we were sharing a dorm room. "Oh, here he is." she smiled as Blaise walked in and took the empty seat next to Draco which ment that I had to sit next to Tom.

"Dear lord please take me." I whispered as I sat down next to Tom. "I can hear you, you know?" he whispered to me "Do I look like I care?" I rolled my eyes at him and turned towards the window.

The train was just leaving. I saw parents waving at their children and suddenly I was 11 again. I was happy I had no idea what would happen when I grew up. "Y/n!" Pansy took me out of my trance "Huh?" I turned to face her "Are you going to buy something? The lady waits for you." just now I noticed the woman who was selling us sweets on the train, but I never got her name, though. This was my last year I doubt I will ever catch her name. "Oh, no thanks." I said and the lady left. Pansy closed the door and she leaned forwards and winked at Tom and I. We both sent her confused looks. "So you are getting married?" she said enthusiastically "Wait what? How do you know?" I asked "Well everybody knows. That was the whole tea all summer." I couldn't believe my ears "So you are telling me that you knew that I was getting married before me?"

"What?" she laughed awkwardly "My parents told me yesterday that I was getting married as soon as I graduate. They told me yesterday, but everybody else knew at the beginning of the summer are you fucking kidding me?" I laughed ironically "I can't believe it."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Pansy apologised awkwardly, Draco was looking at her angrily and she sent him 'I'm sorry' look. "It's fine." I finally said "It's not your fault that my parents don't care about me."

"I'm sure they do care about you." Mattheo said almost immediately "Oh, really? How?" I looked at him "Well, they arranged the marriage for your own good."

"Oh, piss off!" I said "I don't understand why are you so against the idea of marring me." Tom turned to look at me "There's nothing to don't understand, if you think about it at least a little bit you'll get why." I rolled my eyes at him. Tom only sent me an angry look and turned to his other side and so did I. I didn't speak to anyone till we came off of the train.

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