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I woke up with terrible pain in my waist and neck. Sleeping on the floor is not the best idea. I sat down and looked at the bed. The bed wasn't tidy and Tom was gone. I looked at the time on my phone '8:25'.

Maybe he went down for breakfast if they even had breakfast together in this family. I stood up and go to the stairs. I went down slowly to the first floor, rubbing my eyes. I enter the dining room.

"Good morning." I say still half asleep.

"Morning." I hear a few different voices saying. I opened my eyes completely and notice that the room was fulled with deatheaters. I noticed men looking at me from head to toe. These men were shameless just like their boss aka Tom Riddle. Tom was sitting in front of them, and they were looking in unappropriate way at his fiancée. "Y/n how about you go back to our room?" Tom looked at me strictly. I nodded and quickly left the room.

I could hear Tom yelling at the men and also I heard the men begging him for forgiveness. I couldn't believe I forgot I was only wearing Tom's T-shirt that berley got to the middle of my thigh. I embarrassed myself and him in front of the deatheaters. He is, after all, the future heir to all this after the dark Lord of course. Now everyone thought we had sex yesterday.

I walk into the room and sat on the bed. My leg started shaking. I was getting ready anxious. After a few minutes, I felt а hand on my shoulder. Tom sat next to me on the bed.
"I'm sorry, I embarrassed you." I avoided eye contact, I was way too scared. "It's alright, I should have told you there's going to be a meeting today." for my surprise Tom wasn't mad, he put his hand on my thigh to stop my leg from shaking. His touch, gave me goosebumps. "I did embarrass you, though." I still didn't have the courage to look him in the eyes. "No, quite the opposite, you made everyone think we got married for love, but don't do it again I don't want to kill them yet." He stood up.
"Kill them? Why would you do that?" i finally looked at him shocked. "Because they looked at you." He said it as if it was obvious. "I feel like someone is jealous." I stood up as well and smirk. "No, I'm not jealous, I just don't like people staring that way on what's mine."he said seriously.  "Yea, sure." I laughed. "For Merlin's seak I am not jealous Y/n." He pushed his fingers through his hair. "Yes, Tommy, you're not jealous at all." I said playful. "Don't call me that again!" he was getting annoyed now. "Don't call you what Tommy?" I smirked. I quite enjoyed annoying him. "Y/n stop!" he yelled at me. "But Tommy I'm not doida anything." I decided to play dumb. "Stop calling me that and don't roll your eyes." his face was starting to get red from anger "Or what?" I stepped closer to him. "Or you will need a wheelchair. " a smirk appeared on his lips "What?" I raised an eyebrow completely confused. Was he going to beat me up so much that I couldn't walk, I thought. "No I won't beat you up, Y/n." he rolled his eyes. "Then why would I need a wheelchair for?" I asked confused. "Don't act stupid, darling." he slowly approached me. When he reached me, he put one of his hands on my waist and pulled me towards him. With his other hand, he strained my hair back to open my neck. And just before he kissed my neck behind us, someone called him and I stepped back right away.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you." Mattheo scratched behind his neck awkwardly. "But you're interrupting us." Tom looked at his brother viciously. "I'il come back later then." Mattheo turned around ready to leave. "Bet." Tom approached me again. "No!" I said a little too loud and Tom looked at me confused. Mattheo stoped and turned to me. "You're hare anyway so just say why did you came." I desperately needed Mattheo to stay otherwise I wasn't sure what Tom was going to do to me. "I need to talk to Tom, it's about work." he said and Tom groaned and left after him without saying anything.

What just happened? I was so close to have sex with Tom. Did I lost my mind? This shouldn't happen, I still haven't forgiven him for the things he did to me. Because of him, my days at Hogwarts were unbearable. Until at least he apologies, I won't forgive him. I deserve at least one apology.


By the end of the day, I didn't leave the room again, I was lying in bed reading from Tom's books. I can't lie Tom has a good taste for books. By the time it was 11 p.m., Tom came back in the room. He carried with him two suitcases and a bag.

"Your belongings." he said and left them in front of the closet. "Thank you." I got out of bed and squatted in front of the suitcases. "You can put your clothes in the closet, I've made room for you." Tom took the book I'd been reading before and laid on the bed. "Thank you." I opened the suitcases and set out to sort my things out. My mother had packed all the clothes I wore most often.

But unfortunately for me, she had packed nightgowrs that I would never wear. I know what she was up to. It wasn't going to happen, though. One nightgown was red satin the other dark green and the last one was black. They were more underwear than nightgowrs. "You have a good taste for nightgowrs."  I could feel the smirk on his face. Good job mom. "They're not mine." I quickly put them back in the suitcase. "Then why are they in your suitcase?" Tom stood up and came up to me. "My mom put them I suppose. I'd never wear anything like that." I said and opened the bag. "I think you should start wearing them." Tom sat down next to me on the floor. "I think you should stop thinking with your dick." I snapped. "When you only wear my T-shirt, it's hard not to." he smirked. "Good, I will stop." I took my pyjamas, which consisted of a short T-shirt and shorts. "No one told you too." he said and I disappeared behind the curtains.

In a few minutes, I came back and saw Tom looking at my underwear.
"What the hell Tom? Didn't your mother teach you that looking through other people's things is rude?" I pull the red panties off of his hands. "I'm going to be the one who takes them off, I will see them eventually so I don't think it matters much." he stood up and lied on the bed. "It's my turn to sleep on the bed." I stood in front of him and crossed my arms in front of my chest. "Says who?"  he laughed, making fun of me. ""Shut up and stand, it's mine turn." I snapped. "Give me a good reason to stand up." he said and I pointed my wand at him without saying a word "Fair enough." he stood uo and took his pillow and blanket. "Thank you Tommy." I smiled smugly "Stop calling me that stupid name." he groaned. "I think it's cute and suits you." I laid down on the bed. "Don't you dare calling me that in front of people." he rolled his eyes. "Sure Tommy." I giggled and rolled to the other side.

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