XXI -- Something Hidden Within Her

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Chapter XXI — Something Hidden Within Her

[Askjell Ft. AURORA — To Be Loved]

[24 November 2023]

[Ares Tech Headquarters]


Amari stood at the door to the Ares Tech Headquarters, staring at the large building with a slight twinge of fear in his heart. He had spent weeks thinking about how he was to start his investigation on the man that had killed Orla's father. Amari had thought to ask his father, but he had barely spent any time home in the past three weeks, and after some more deliberation, Amari had decided that the best way to go about things was to ask Miranda for help.

He had no clue if Miranda was going to agree to offer her assistance, but he had no one else to turn to given that it had been two weeks since Orla left New York.

There was a sense of dread that Amari carried with him as he prepared to enter the building, and that was the thought of crossing paths with Dain, who he had not seen in three days. There had been a plethora of arguments that he and his father had over how much time he spent away, but none of them seemed to get through to him. So, Amari had chosen to give up and live life as if he had never had a father.

It was a tough decision to make, but perhaps such behavior would remind Dain that he had children to care for. 'Here goes nothing...' Amari thought as he entered the building and made his way to the receptionist. "Hello, Miss, I'm here to see my father, Dain Brock," Amari said, hoping his relations would provide enough leverage to allow him access. The lady

surveyed him with one skeptical look as if he were lying, but his appearance told her everything she needed to know.

Amari bore a striking resemblance to his father, from the color of his eyes, down to his ebony skin tone. The receptionist gave him a satisfied look before picking up the telephone beside her. "Mister Brock, your son is here to see you." She said and the line was silent for a while, earning a sigh from Amari. It was clear that he did not have the guts to face his son after his common disappearing act. "B-bring him in." Dain's voice finally stammered from the other side and Amari flashed the woman a smile of gratitude before he walked towards the elevator.

The ride to one of the highest floors in the building was a rather slow one, but he managed to make it to where he desired soon enough. Amari stepped out of the elevator, looking around the busy hallway that had a variety of doors — one of which he recognized. He had no clue where Miranda's office was but had managed to catch sight of the woman walking into Dain's office.

Amari groaned at the sight, well aware that he would have to follow and jump into the lion's den as well. He walked over to the office and stared at the doors for a moment, before walking in. Amari stopped in his tracks because it seemed he was interrupting a conversation and such caused Miranda and Dain to stare at him with a bit of surprise on their faces. "Amari, how are you?" Dain said, shaking off the mild dread that he felt at seeing his son after such a long time.

He was sure that what would come next was an earful from Amari, and he had to try his best to neutralize the possibility of an argument. Amari walked over to Miranda, paying his father's greeting no mind, much to his surprise. "Hey, Miranda, I need some help with something important." Amari started and Miranda raised an eyebrow to display her confusion. Had Amari not been here to see Dain? What did he want to hear from her?

"Hi, Amari. What can I help you with?" Miranda asked, doing her best to rid her tone of the confusion. Dain stood to his feet and walked over to Amari.

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