XVIII - First Impressions

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Chapter XVIII — First Impressions 

[Dedicated Song: Ethel Cain — American Teenager]

[02 November 2023]
[Laurent Residence]

Orla had spent quite a bit of time thinking about her latest argument with Miranda. The final set of words exchanged made her feel as if she had been stabbed with a knife to the chest. She was infuriated, and she believed it was rightfully so. How could Miranda debunk her plan as if she had any morals? She had poked and prodded her father's corpse! Orla sat up in her bed, rage flowing through her veins, but she knew a temper tantrum would not fix anything. Only action could do such. And she knew the perfect action that she could use to prove herself to Miranda. Orla believed she was a valuable part of the team, and it was time she made that value known. 

Orla stood to her feet, making her way out of her room and through the halls to the final door available — the door to Miranda's laboratory. Miranda seemed to be sound asleep, so things would hopefully go smoothly. Orla stared at the screen that kept the laboratory away from her and effortlessly typed the password in. She had seen it used a multitude of times before and it had burned itself into her brain, typing it in was child's play. 

The door opened up to reveal Miranda's workspace, which held a variety of tools and weaponry — exactly what Orla desired. She walked into the lab, grabbing a few random weapons that even she had not seen yet. 'They must be prototypes,' Orla thought before she exited the laboratory with her haul, the door closing behind her. Orla entered her room once more and placed the weapons on her bed, before getting dressed in more suitable clothing — from a black sweater down to a pair of black boots. 

She then took the weapons on the bed and stuffed them into her backpack, zipping them closed as soon as she was done. Things seemed to have gone by without a hitch so far, and she hoped the plan she was about to execute went on in the same manner. Orla walked over to her window, which she swiftly opened. She stared out at the darkness, a look of doubt crossing her face. 

One of Miranda's many lectures replayed in her mind and she straightened her face. Those conversations would always take place if Orla did not prove herself, besides, she had made it clear before. She was ready to do whatever it took to avenge her father, even if it meant using others as stepping stones. Ashton was a man of peace, and would not be happy with her actions, but that path had led him to a death born of violent minds. Orla was willing to walk a more corrupt path if it meant vengeance was secured. 

"This shit is for you, Dad," Orla muttered under her breath before she leaped out of the window and into a nearby tree, the New York-Prebysterian Hospital being her destination. 

[New York-Prebysterian Hospital]

Through a bit of hitchhiking, Orla had managed to make it to the hospital. She walked out of the cab and stared at the large building, well aware that she would not be allowed inside at this time. There was one other avenue that Orla was yet to explore, however. She opened the backpack to unveil the stolen weapons and tools, she was overwhelmed by a burst of excitement, which even shocked her. The sight of the weapons enticed her, and as for which one to choose, she felt as if she were a kid in a candy store. 

Finally, Orla decided on a silver tube of sorts. The tube had a small button atop it, which Orla pushed to unleash a long length of thick wire at a random car, breaking its windshield into bits of glass. The car's alarm rang through the parking lot and right then, she knew she had to escape. Orla tugged on the wire to pull it back into the tube before looking at the device with a look of slight pride. "Okay, let's try this again." 

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