I - Redeemable

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Chapter I - Redeemable

[Dedicated Song: Manchester Orchestra Ft. Phoebe Bridgers - The Gold]

[21 October 2023]
[Midtown Manhattan, New York]

"Mr. Elordi, welcome back! It's been quite a while since you've visited the building, does this mean you're finally coming back?" There it was again. That damned question. It always seemed to plague him at every turn. Unfortunately for them, he was not coming back. He would never come back, not when what he had planned to create was hurting his people. He did not see himself as that kind of person. He only destroyed to protect his own, and with each weapon they asked he create, he went back on that philosophy. At this point, his back was against the wall, and he could not back away any further.

"No, sorry." Kane said, a sheepish smile gracing his features. What he had said was partially true, but for the most part, it was all rooted in hatred, a hatred for the land that he walked on. Well... wheeled on, but still, he hated this place, and all that it stood for. However, Kane needed it if he was to execute his plan, the plan that would get him redemption. "I'm just here for a little talk with Dain, that's all." Kane added, before wheeling himself off towards the elevator. He found it easy to enter but saw that he was a bit too short to reach the buttons, much to his annoyance. "It looks like you need some help." His attention was diverted from the elevator to the source of the voice that was quickly approaching.

"Yes... please." It took a while for the words to exit Kane's mouth, and by the time they did, the source of the voice - a rather tall woman with long locks of auburn hair and hazel eyes - was already in the elevator. "Floor?" She asked. "Eighth." Kane replied, and the woman complied with his request. "Hm, seems we're going to the same place. I'm Miranda Laurent, the chief engineer around here. To whom do I owe the pleasure of meeting?" She said, a small smile on her face as she expressed her pride. The smile caught Kane in a trance for only a moment, before he composed himself. "Kane Elordi." He finally said back, now sporting a smile of his own, which seemed to catch Miranda's attention, more than she would have liked it to.

"Nice to meet you, Kane. So, what brings you to Ares Tech?" Miranda asked, hoping to dive deeper into the mystery that was Kane Elordi. He seemed to have so much mystique surrounding him, but at the same time, he seemed as if he were an open book - a man who would answer anything. "I'm just here for a quick meeting with the big man. I don't know what he wants, but it should be interesting to find out." Kane said, and it was another lie - an art he could perform so effortlessly. He knew exactly why they wanted to see him, and he already knew the answer he planned to give. Nothing was going to change.

"Ah, I see. You've worked here before, haven't you?" Miranda assumed, causing Kane to raise his eyebrows. "Yes, actually. How'd you know?" He asked, a bit of shock evident in his voice. "I just have a knack for reading people. I can see it your eyes, a twinge of regret and hatred, probably for this place and I can't blame you. This line of work isn't for the faint of heart." Miranda said, ending the conversation on a rather awkward note, but Kane saw the opportunity to salvage the moment. And he took it with both hands.

"So, mind explaining to me why that turtleneck is so high up your neck? Are you hiding something?" He quipped, but it had the opposite effect - an effect that he did not notice. Miranda laughed nervously, before violently shaking her head to such a point that it seemed that it was going to fly off of her neck. All the confidence that she exuded seconds ago had seemingly dissipated. "Hiding? What? No! There's nothing under here... this is just my thing, my style y-y'know?" She stammered before chastising herself mentally. 'Great job, Miranda...' She thought. "Oh, so it doesn't bother you?" Kane asked, his tone exhibiting a bit of concern. "No, not at all." Miranda replied, her composure slightly regained.

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