XIII - No Remorse

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Chapter XIII — No Remorse

[Dedicated Song: 954mari — Sound Like Death]

[30 October 2023]
[Manhattan, New York]

Kane's emotions were in shambles. As much as he refused to admit to it, or even show it, Tatiana's decision to join the other side — specifically Dain of all people — was a decision that hurt him far more than any other injury he had attained in the past. Kane felt that their friendship — the one he believed could withstand anything — was a mere mirage and in reality, their friendship was brittle; ready to break at the slightest feeling of pressure. And the pressure of two superpowers upon them was unlike anything else.

However, despite all this, Kane just could not bring himself to give up on her. They had known each other for most of his life, since their days as children in the military, training themselves for this very moment. Although Kane had led Tatiana to believe that he had given up hope, it was all a tactic, a simple method to nudge her into the perfect emotional state. He made sure that Tatiana became as volatile as possible.

That was when her resolve was most fickle.

What he had planned would be the culmination of his efforts to get his best friend on his side — the right side — once again. However, the guilt ate up the decision to go through with such a plan. It was the eradication of something dear to his heart as well, but he did his best to convince himself that it was for the greater good in the future. Kane had to sacrifice a member of the pack to ensure the survival of the others. His emotions had to take a backseat in all of this, or else he was bound to make a critical mistake on that very mission, or this current one.

Where Kane's mind wandered to was business for another night. Right now, he had other issues to deal with. The board members of Ares Tech had to pay for their disobedience, and Dragunov was more than happy to deal them a fair punishment. Dragunov now stood beside one of the many board members' beds, a man laid to rest atop it. Blood painted white sheets, showing how he no longer saw a need for anonymity anymore.

The city's morale was rising, and he had to bring it down once more. Dragunov wasted little time in leaving the man's penthouse and he soon found himself in the home of another member of the board. He was sound asleep and Dragunov's stealthy entrance did not hinder that one bit. There was no time or opportunity for torture, he had to simply complete his mission.

From his holster at his right, Dragunov produced quite the pistol-like weapon. It was one an older design from the days when working for Ares Tech. The Feather Gun. It was quick, silent, and efficient. Each bullet guaranteed a death, no matter where it struck. Dragunov aimed the weapon and pulled the trigger, and in what seemed like an instant, blood seemed to trickle down from the man's forehead. He had either passed instantly or was due to soon enough. Either way, his death was inevitable.

Dragunov figured that one more victim would not hurt, and so made his way to another home, where a woman lay in bed. Another lady sat at a desk, seemingly shivering at the cold that the autumn night brought. Somehow, she felt a presence behind her and quickly turned around to meet Dragunov's eerily familiar mask. She could not sleep, because she knew that he would be coming for her, just as he had promised.

"P-please... don't do anything you'll r-r-regret... I had to..." The woman pleaded, but Dragunov took a step forward, forcing a yelp of fear from her. This seemed to awaken the woman in the bed, who stared at the two individuals, confused. "Shara? Baby, what's going on?" The woman asked as she rubbed her eyes. However, before she could make sense of things, Dragunov silenced her with a bullet to the skull for her troubles. Shara screamed at the sight, tears now cascading down her cheeks. Dragunov gazed at her once more, the Feather Gun aimed at her head.

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