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"So what, you're like, lesbian or some shit? That would explain a lot." Emmett grinned widely, lips spreading ear to ear as his white pearly teeth bared. He was far too small for the bike he was sitting on, his broad frame swallowing the small handlebars, his knees almost folding three times with each time he pushed the paddles. 

I rolled my eyes at his humouristic tone, he took this a bit lighter than the others. Though then again, he hadn't been a member of the family for as long as them either. "No, I'm not just compatible in that way." 

"In what way?" He deadpanned, blinking ahead of him with doe-like eyes. My lips turned down and I let out a grumble. "Love, Emmett, love. I don't do love."

The gravel crunched out the tires of the bikes as we began to come closer to town, the road shifting into asphalt, the trees changing into small wooden houses and the silence getting filled of cars or people talking. The stench grew too, though we had all grown too used to it, too accustomed to ignoring it. We were heading for the mail, it had been a few days and the application had arrived. I didn't know what to expect, so I didn't create any vision of the future just yet.

He scoffed a bit, climbing of his bike as we slowed down in front of the post office. "You just haven't found the right person yet."

My eyes glanced at him, seeing his scar free face and gentle eyes. He was like a big teddybear once you got to know him, he may look threatening and scary, but he was smiles and laughter all the way. My hand wrapped around the doorknob and I pushed it open, a bell ringing above the door as I grumbled again. "I probably never will." 

The man behind the reception disk sent us both a kind smile, he was actually one of the few people in town that had accepted us into the village. With a small wave he locked eyes with me, a sudden excitement brimming in them. "Good mornin' Miss Cullen, to yeh too Mr Cullen! You've arrived perfectly, the letters came just an heur' ago!" 

He turned around and stretched up, reaching for the box with our address on. It was like shelves in the wall, special boxes for people and house addresses. Five letters were laying there, my eyes zoomed in on them and saw that two of them were for me. One of them held a seal, a red wax seal with an eagle stamped in the middle of it. It was wearing the address I had hoped to receive a letter from today, and strangely enough it made a small smile tug at the corners of my lips. I was excited, that didn't happen too often. 

"Special occasion, aye?" The man known as Cainnech Pierce gave me another glance, a crooked grin on his face. He was originally Irish, his accent being one of the few nostalgic things in this village. It reminded me of my human years, believe it or not his accent reminded me of a pleasant time back then. I had been courted by a man from Ireland, he was kind and sweet, my escape from darkness back then.

I couldn't help but share his smile, mine more timid, but it was a smile nevertheless. "Yeah, though it can be for the good or bad, I just need to find out first. It can go south real quick." 

He laughed, a big genuine laugh that was rare to hear nowdays. "Can't it always, aye? oyl'll prey for yah', hope it turns out for the bettah'."

"Thanks Cain, have a nice day won't you?" I sent him another smile, one of the few people I actually allowed myself to be rather free around. He was a kind soul, a rare one. 

"Thank you M'ladeyh'" He tipped an imaginary hat and I gave him another grin before I turned around and began to walk out of the small post office, Emmett following like a quiet cat. Believe it or not, but even if he was soft and kind, he didn't really like speaking to people a lot. Once he began talking to someone it was hard to stop him, but getting him to break the thin ice could be quite challenging sometimes. 

𝙏𝙀𝙈𝙋𝙀𝙍 ✓ 𝘑𝘢𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘏𝘢𝘭𝘦 • 𝘉𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘖𝘯𝘦 •Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora