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"Why are you so stiff all of a sudden?" Rosalie almost bit her unbreakable nails in anxiety, stressing over a matter that she had no—and would never have—any control over. Even if I had told her that she wouldn't have bothered to listen, too caught up in her daze of freshly found admiration and obsession to care about words of sense. Not that it would make any difference, her listening or not, she would still be as stressed either way. 

Flickering my eyes over to her I felt an ever so quiet sigh tumble from the edge of my lips. Sometimes she never seemed to learn; maybe because she never listened to the fullest. "You do know how I feel about strangers, people I have never met. You know how stiff I was around you the first year you were with us, yes?"

Nodding her head up and down she abandoned her seat and settled for standing up, running a hand through her hair as she did so. "Well not quite. You were kinda relaxed around me." 

I found myself nodding a little, caught up in my own throughs for a few seconds. I had been quite soft and gentle around her, I had not been giving her the cold shoulder like I had with Edward and Esme for a few months if not years. The only exception being their day of awakening in which I forced myself to be welcoming. That could, of course, be related to a few reasons.

One; She was a girl who had been left in a way I had been left to die. A woman who had been abused in almost the precise way I had been. That alone got me a reason or two to relate to her in levels in which most people could not comprehend. That alone made an invisible promise to protect her grow inside of my soul, an oath to always keep her within an arms reach if anything were to happen. 

Two; She was an awfully easy person to get along with. Not only did she have the same priorities as I did in may situations, but she also held the same traits as I did. If that was good or bad had yet to be established, but I viewed it as a positive side of hers. She was selfish, held prejudice, fought for herself with bravery and had a very thick willpower. Although most important of all must be her loyalty towards her family. A gift many people took for granted. 

Three; She never asked questions about things she knew I would never answer. She respected privacy for us all, never pushed a topic further or broke the mood by swarming every single one of us with a trail of questions that were never to end. 

A small and timid tug at my cheeks made my face twitch when I looked at her, my eyes a little darker than the golden topaz her's were. "That I was... That I indeed was..."
   Her eyebrows tugged together at the softened look both in my eyes, yet too on my face. She might not quite understand why I was so keen on keeping her joyous yet, not having been told the true reasons of my human voyage. Even so I hoped she could understand my will to keep her safe, happy and smiling. 

Her eyes flickered over to the staircase, the way towards her room where she had placed the unfortunate boy. It made me instinctively follow her gaze, and I smiled. He had truly bewitched her heart in just a moment so short it couldn't be grazed by the human mind. Somehow I hoped he, too, got enchanted just as strikingly as she had been. And somehow I had no doubt that he would be hit with the power of love even quicker than she had been exposed of it.

"You should, eh," I stood up just as she did, sweeping my eyes over to her once more. "You should go to him, hm?"

Her head snapped my way, the deep V between her eyebrows deeper than ever before. "B-but what should I do? What should I say?-" She begun to ramble, speaking quicker than the human ear was able to register. "-what if I do something faulty? W-"

"Aye, aye aye. Calm down, yeah? You're going to be perfectly alright, so is he." Leaving her to it I began to turn around, walking away from her with my long brown hair reaching the end of my hips. I spared her a glance, irritating her with my unresponsive reaction. "Good..." My lips curled up. "Never mind." 

𝙏𝙀𝙈𝙋𝙀𝙍 ✓ 𝘑𝘢𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘏𝘢𝘭𝘦 • 𝘉𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘖𝘯𝘦 •Where stories live. Discover now