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Suga: Taehyung come to my room. (Left)

Tae and Jm looked at each other and Tae let out a soft sigh before leaving.

In his room.

Tae: da-
Suga: shh go face the wall arms up.
Tae: appa so-

Tae glumped hard and did as told. Suga sat on the bed looking threw the test papers.

After ½hr

He came to Tae who was holding his hands on his head.

Tae:(flinched raising his hands straight) s-orry appa.
Suga: Taehyung you have no idea what have you done anything could have happened to Jimin just because of your stupid challenge. (Pushing him forward) hands on the wall.
Tae: n-o p-l-e-a-s-e I am grown up n-

Suga smaked his bottom 3 times in a row.

Tae:(sobbing) a-pp-a nono sorry appa nono. (Nodding as no cutely)
Suga:(pressing his lips to control his laugh at his cute baby) ..........Tae you made a mistake and your deserve a punishment now isn't it?
Tae:(pouty lips sobbing) sowwy appa.

Suga left the room unable to stand the cuteness but he knew he had to be strict he got the wooden spoon and slowly bends Tae over his lap.

Tae:(sob) me (sob) sorry (sob)
Suga: count till 10 for me.
Tae:(crying loudly nodding as no) nono appa no 10 appa sorry appa sorr- (SMACK) ahh! (Flinched)
Suga: count Tae I wouldn't repeat.
Tae: 1.


Tae: 2 (SMACK) ah! 3 (SMACK) 4 (SMACK) 5. (Wiggling in his hold) owwie nono more no
Tae:(sobbing lied still) I am sorry sorry appa.


Tae: aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-
Suga:(throwing the spoon aside) you brat when will you grow up stop being dramatic.
Tae:(sobbing) appa I am sorry. (Sitting up on his lap)

Suga slowly rubs his butt trying to calm him down.

Tae: I know I did wrong I hurt Jiminie hyung I will be good next time wouldn't repeat it.
Suga: you better not.

Suga made him stand and landed 4 smacks back to back on his bottom Tae just hissed.

Suga: you are so dramatic.
Tae: hehe (Showing his 32 teeth)
Suga:(kissing his forehead) go to sleep if chim complain about pain let me know or give him the painkiller which is kept on your table.
Tae:(nods)(rubbing his butt)
Suga: show me does it hurts.
Tae:(pushing his hand away) papa what are you even doing? I am not a kid (ran away)
Suga:(raising his brows) is he for real and he says he isn't a kid.

Morning 5am

Tae was sitting in the balcony of his room while reading his book with a cup of coffee in his hand while Jm was yet asleep.

After 2 hrs he got up from there and got ready for the day and got his and Jm's breakfast while Suga left for college already.

Tae: chim (Creasing his hairs) wake up.
Jm:(open his eyes lightly holding his hurting hand) ah!
Tae: is it hurting? (Tensed)
Jm: anyio just little numb.
Tae: oh uncle told it is normal come I brought your breakfast.

He helped Jm sit and they had there breakfast while chatting. Tae kissed his forehead "take care huh? Jinu uncle will be with you today huh?"

Jm: why are you going? (Pouty lips)
Tae:(cupped his chubby cheeks) because my dear hyungie if I will not go then who will give you the homework notes with explanation?
Jm:(giggle) okok get lost now and turn the light off (Lied back)

Tae packed his bag and left.

In evening 6pm

Tae came back home just to see Suga struggling to feed Jm.

Tae: appa.
Suga: Tae go change and come dinner is ready. Jimin open your mouth! (Strict as hell)
Tae:(came there and hugged him from back) Chim my mochi open up buba what's wrong?
Jm: it's bwd (Sobbing cutely)
Suga:(taking him on his lap) see baby appa is also eating with you come on my dear open up you can't eat much spicy for next few days baby.
Tae:(smiled and left)

At night.

Jm was doing his homework while sitting on couch and Tae was busy trouble Suga.

Tae:(lifted Suga from behind)
Suga: AHH! you brat! Leave me!
Tae: appa you and chim both are so small.
Suga:(pushed him away) WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?
Tae: hehe (Hugging him)
Suga:(closing his eyes cutely) yahhhh Taehyung-ah!
Tae: papa you kn-
Suga:(pushing him back)
Tae:(hugging him more tightly) appa chu know na
Suga: OK fine! Just go get out f*** yourself!
Tae: aww thankyou so much appa love you.

With that Tae out and called his friends Jm was sitting there with a cute pout on his face.





Suga: Taehyung it's 1am where the hell are you?

Ding dong.

Tae: here (Call ends)
Suga:(opening the door)(Held his ear pulled him inside)
Tae: ah! Ouch appa.
Suga:(turned him to side)(SMACK SMACK SMACK) what's your curfew time?
Tae: appa it really hurts and my friends stopped me that's I got late.
Suga: go to your room brat!

With that he left.

Suga:(shocking his head in disbelief) I think I should call him now they are getting out of my hands.

Hope you like it guys who is him now? Targat for  next episode is 35 votes purple you all.

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