17. Beneath The Water

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The Forbidden Zone 3.06

"So, yeah," She starts again, reiterating what she was just trying to say. "I do believe it's out there."

          The Pogues surf as if they are not currently in the middle of a treasure hunt, or running from CPS, or stuck in an unspoken war with the other side of the island. They surf as if they have nothing to lose. Which, for three of them, they don't. They have nothing on the line at the moment and life seems like it I is looking up, at least for right now as the waves drift them around. But, as the sun starts to disappear behind the water, the five decide it is time to go home. They make their way onto the shore and John B and Kiara lead the way back to the Château, not picking up on the fact that JJ is in the way back, with Pope and Casey in the middle.

          Once the five get back to the Routledge's, they throw their boards to the ground and head toward the large tree holding the hammock. Pope and John B grab two lawn chairs from the surf shack and pull them next to the tree while Kiara and Casey climb in, sitting on opposite sides, facing each other. JJ stands next to the girls for a moment, scanning the yard, just in case one of the Kooks's show up. But, after a few seconds he relaxes, knowing they won't come to The Cut at night, and changes his search for intruders to a chair.

          Casey catches him looking around the yard and silently laughs at him. She lets him scan the yard a few more times before she leans off the hammock and lightly pulls at his shirt. He jumps at the unknown tug and looks down, following the hand that is still connected to his shirt up to the girl, who is now smiling at him. Now that she has his attention, she lets go of his shirt and playfully flips him off while moving over, making room for him on the hammock.

          As JJ climbs on, and brushes shoulders with Casey, Kiara's eyes bounce between the two infront of her. Even though it's dark, Casey can see the smile forming on her friend's face, and flips her off as well. She knows what is going through the girl's mind but it's not like they are sleeping in the hammock alone, or doing anything risky. She is simply making room for JJ so he can relax with them.

          Kiara playfully rolls her eyes at Casey, and lightly nudges her leg, making the hammock swing, which in turn grabs JJ's attention. He sees the two having a silent conversation and knows, whatever is going on, he's involved. The last few times he has walked in on, or overheard the two girls talking, it has been about him. He tilts his head as he looks at Casey and she can see the question on his face. He wants to know what is going on. But, once again, she doesn't want to tell him that Kiara knows about them, so she simply shakes her head, telling him not to worry about it.

          Luckily for JJ, the conversation between the girls doesn't last much longer because Pope starts talking softly next to them. "You really think it's outta here? Like, no bullshit?"

          John B and Casey don't say anything at first. They let their minds wander and think about everything they have found. Scooter's boat, the hotel room, the compass, and the tape have led them here. To a place that is pointing them in the direction of the Royal merchant. "My father thought it was." John B answers quietly as he leans his head back on the chair.

          "But do you?" Pope asks. When John B doesn't answer right away, he lifts his head and looks toward the hammock. "Casey? What about you?"

          "After hearing his voice on that tape..." John B hesitates a moment, then looks at his sister. "I think I do."

          Casey glances between the two boys before leaning her head back to look at the stars. She wants to believe. She has to believe. She can't let her doubts from a few days ago overpower the tape and all of her father's research. It is out there. It has to be. "Yeah. Right? I mean, if dad believed it was out there. And after everything we've found? The tape says it all." She pauses to get her thoughts back on track. She hates that at times she rambles when she doesn't know what to say, but she can't help it. It feels like her mind is going a thousand miles a minute. "So, yeah," She starts again, reiterating what she was just trying to say. "I do believe it's out there."

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