2. Finders Keepers

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Pilot 1.02

"Oh, you have no idea what I'm capable of, Maybank"

As the morning sun makes its way into the Château, John B flinches. Not because of the bright light, but because something gently hits his cheek. He slowly turns over to his back and opens his eyes. He looks up at the ceiling and his eyes immediately find the small hole directly above him as another drop of water hits him. "Uhhh." He mumbles to himself and gets up, wiping the water off of his face.

          The boy sits on the edge of the bed, taking a second to wake up. He stretches his back out and immediately feels his body ache from getting thrown around the water last night. After a minute of waking up, he grabs his phone from the night stand next to him and turns it on, quickly realizing something is wrong. "No service?"

John B sets the phone back down as he gets up, not caring too much about not having service since he's never been one to be glued to his phone. As the boy walks to the door, he tries to flick the light on but is met with nothing happening. "No power...Great."

          He doesn't think about it too much and walks out into the living area to find Casey to the left, standing against one of the kitchen counters, a blanket wrapped around her body. The girl rubs her eyes when she sees her brother. "Morning." She mumbles as she grabs a cup off the counter and pours herself some day old coffee. "Waters out."

          John B doesn't say anything and nodes his head. It doesn't surprise him that the water is out. The Château is not that sturdy so the smallest hurricane will knock everything out. He walks to the right towards the back door and slaps the back of JJ's leg as he walks outside. "Yo, JJ, you been outside?"

          "I have polio bro, I can't walk." He mumbles in the pillow which makes Casey roll her eyes. Once the coffee is to her liking, the girl walks past the shirtless blonde boy still laying down and follows her brother outside and sits on the bottom of the porch stairs. The boy inside finally gets up, now that he is alone in the house, and stands in the doorway behind her, a beer in hand. "Agatha did some work, huh?"

          "Yeah, she did." John B replies, pulling a branch off of their boat, the HMS Pogue.

          JJ burps as he makes his way down the stairs past Casey, throwing the beer into the yard. He ruffles her hair as he passes which results in the girl swatting his hand away. He turns around, managing to walk backwards without falling and smiles at her, only to receive a middle finger. He places a hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt by her action, which only makes her roll her eyes again. Everyone knows the girl is not a morning person, and JJ makes it his mission to bother her every chance he gets. If Casey has not had her coffee or at least a beer in the first ten minutes of her being awake, all hell will break loose. JJ turns back around right when he gets to the boat and watches John B continue to throw branches to the side. "Whatcha' thinking?"

          "I'm thinkin' that storm surge pushed all the crabs out of the marsh maze. All those drum are gonna chase the crab." John B says, jumping into the boat, grabbing smaller branches and throwing them to the ground.

          "What about the DCS? Wasn't that today?" JJ asks, getting Casey's attention. As soon as JJ turned around, she started zoning them out but the mention of DCS has brought her back to reality. She places her coffee on the step and makes her way to the boys, readjusting the blanket when she stops next to JJ. He looks over at the girl and a small smile appears across his face. He places his arm around her shoulder, gently pulling her into him. Casey rolls her eyes but doesn't move to get out of his hold, even slightly leaning toward him.

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