8. To The Unexpected

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Lucky Compass 2.04

The Square Groupers are dangerous but they are still just people. And with the Pogues, especially John B and JJ, they would have been able to handle the two if it came down to it.

As soon as the words leave John B's mouth, JJ, Pope, and Kiara make their way across the room, joining the siblings at the large window. Everyone watches the two men get out of the truck, but Casey is the first to put the pieces together. It's hard not to immediately recognize the Square Groupers from Lana's. "How the fuck did they find us?"

"Gu-guys, is that them?" Kiara asks as she frantically looks between the four next to her. The Pogues can hear the fear growing within the girl from the shakiness in her voice but they are all too focused on the men walking toward the back of the house to truly pick up on it. "Is that them?!"

"No..." JJ mumbles to himself. He turns away from the window and begins to pace the room. He knew. He knew from the second they saw the men at Lana's they were bound to find them, and now, no less than an hour later, they show up at the Château. "John B, I told you! Why does it always..."

Before JJ can finish his sentence, John B grabs his shoulders and turns the boy around, forcefully pushing him into the wall next to the door. JJ's head hits the wall from the momentum making Casey, as well as Kiara, turn as well. "JJ, hey, look at me!"  He whisper-yells and holds his finger in front of JJ's face, keeping him quite. "Where's the gun?"

Pope finally turns around at John B's tone and the three idly watch JJ cower for a split second before realizing John B only pushed him against the wall to get his attention, not what his intrusive thoughts are telling him. He lets out a quick, shaky breath before responding. "Gun? I, uh, I can't."

Before anyone can say or do anything, Casey moves around the room and places her hand on John B's shoulder, getting him to let go of JJ and take a step back. "Hey, Jay? I need you to think, okay?" She moves to stand fully in front of him, hoping he will focus on her instead of the fear and anxiety. He's trying to think of where he put it but his mind is now racing a thousand miles a minute and she knows it, so she gently grabs his chin, forcing him to look at her. The boy freezes at the touch and his eyes spring open, locking onto hers. "JJ, where is the gun?" She asks again. She sees the fear seeping out of him, even though he is trying not to show it, and she hates that it's the same fear he had when she was shot. Instead of dwelling on the past, she changes her tone and becomes stern with him. "JJ, I really need you to think right now. Where did you put the fucking gun?"

"Now you don't have the gun. The one time we need the gun?!" Kiara frantically whispers, a full breakdown tempting to come out. She turns around to look out the window again but the men are gone, meaning they are on the other side of the house, possibly seconds away from walking inside. Which, unfortunately, will be easy for them. Every door in the house is open or unlocked at the moment, including the screen doors.

"Kiara..." Casey whispers. She knows the girl is starting to lose it and even though she wants to calm her down as well, her eyes don't leave JJ's. He is her only focus right now. They need the gun but they also need JJ to be at his best. He's the fighter. He's the one that doesn't back down and they might need that.

Since words don't seem to be doing the trick, Casey thinks of the one thing that calms her down. Physical touch. She doesn't hesitate to place her hands on his chest, her eyes still glued to his. "Jay, ya gotta breathe, okay? Where did you last have the gun?"

After an excruciatingly long second, JJ takes a deep breath. "It was in my backpack. And then I..." He whispers, finally being able to ground himself. Casey smiles at him, silently telling him he did good but the moment is quickly interrupted by John B behind them.

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