5. Pain Caused From Caring Too Much

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The Lucky Compass 2.01

She isn't invincible and one of these days, that void, the end will come calling and John B won't be able to save her.

          As soon as the words leave John B's mouth, JJ squats down next to the two. The Pogues were not expecting the boy to tell them that. Obviously, as soon as Casey laid her eyes on the compass, she recognized it as their father's, but Pope, Kiara, and JJ had no idea why the two were so fixated on it. But now, they understand why the siblings seem to forget everything they just went through in the past few hours. Their missing father's compass is back home, with more questions than there are answers. "Wait, really?"

          It takes Casey a moment to find the words as she stares at the antique, gold compass in her brother's hand. The last time she saw the thing was the day before Big John disappeared. It was sitting on the table in the middle of the house and what makes it worse, she didn't even realize it was gone. But now that she remembers she hasn't seen it in months, her entire world feels upside down. "Yes." She whispers, not sure of what else to say. She looks at the boy as the tears start to form in her eyes. "This is his."

          "Oh, my god." Kiara whispers as she leans against the railing of the dock. Nothing could have prepared her, or anyone else, to find something that belonged to Big John on Scooter Grubb's sunken boat. The Pogues didn't even know Big John and Scooter were friends. Silence engulfs the group as they sit there. The only sounds heard are from the waves crashing against the support beams under them and the Routledge girl trying to hold back her tears.

          After a few minutes of staring at the compass, John B slowly gets up, and almost like he's on autopilot, walks toward the house. Casey finally sits down as her brother leaves and leans her back against the railing. Her shoulder explodes in pain from the pressure but she doesn't show it. She can't think about her arm right now when she's still having trouble processing why their father's compass was on Scooter's boat. Or how it even got there.

          The three remaining Pogues stay with Casey as she continues to zone out in front of them. Of course they're worried about John B at the moment, but he's not the one with a blood stained arm. "Hey, Casey?" Kiara softly asks. "How about we get you inside and take a look at your shoulder?"

          Casey doesn't register Kiara talking. She can hear the girl but she can't get herself to look away from the ground. They have their father's compass. The compass he took when he disappeared. JJ, Pope, and Kiara share a look of worry when Casey doesn't answer. Hell, when Casey doesn't even acknowledge the three still standing near her. JJ, knowingly being the one to can get through to her when no one else can, slowly squats down in front of her and gently placing his hand on her leg. "Case?"

          At his touch, Casey finally looks up and a tear falls from her eye. Their father could actually be alive somewhere. The compass proves that he didn't die at sea, or at least proves the man is still alive. She didn't hear Kiara offer to take her inside, but from the concern on JJ's face, she knows that's what they want. She slowly nods her head and stretches her good arm out for help. JJ takes her hand and gently grabs her arm, pulling the girl up. "You okay?"

          Once steady on her feet, Casey doesn't do anything but nod her head, not sure what to actually say. There are countless scenarios whirling through her mind. Explanations as to why the compass was on the boat but she can't find the words to speak, let alone thank the boy for helping her up, so she slides her hand out of his and starts walking down the dock. She can hear the three mumble behind her as they follow, but she ignores them and makes her way into the house. She opens the door and walks straight to the bathroom. She knows the thoughts racing through her mind are only racing through her's and John B's, not the Pogues. They are only focused on making sure her arm is all right, so the bathroom is the first place that comes to mind to humor the three.

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