14: Expected Turbulance

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The Forbidden Zone 3.03

He loves that he is now seeing a side of her that he hasn't seen before. A side that he's not sure anyone has ever seen.

As soon as the Pogues get outside, the group starts to come up with ideas. They need a solid, risky-free plan to get the camera and not bring the cops down on themselves. "All we have to do is sneak in and get it." JJ tells them. "I know exactly where it is and I even know the code. So, in and out. It's easy."

"Alright, Mr. Huidinni, how are we going to get in? Isn't there a security guard and a fence?" Casey asks as she opens the back door and sits down on the bench. "I'm pretty sure that thing is at least twenty feet tall and as athletic as you are, there is no way you are climbing a chain link fence without getting caught. Meaning the rest of us have no chance of getting over it."

"Well," JJ starts but then stops immediately. He hates to admit it, but she has a point. Climbing the fence is not going to do them any good. They can possibly get in, but they also need to get out. And with their hands full, climbing out is going to be ten times harder. "I have nothing." He finally says, pulling out a small bag of weed and a wrap out of his pocket as he sits on the floor next to the door. "Anyone else?"

"We could simply go in?" Kiara tries but gets shot down instantly.

"You need identification and a slip from either a collection agency and/or a repo man to even get inside." Pope informs them. "Asking to go in is also off the table. Which is exactly why I don't like this. The only legal way inside is already..."

"Damn." Kiara mumbles under her breaths, thankfully interrupting Pope's negativity.

For a few minutes, sitting in silence, all except for the Twinkie creaking from potholes, the five are stumped. They are trying to come up with something that will work, but no one can find a way that is an almost guarantee in and out. Every plan that they come up with either involves someone practically offering themselves up, taking the blame, or all five getting caught. But, as the Pogues start to drive through the streets of The Cut again, a plan pops into Casey's head. One that might actually work. Although she immediately hates it, the odds of it working are almost perfect. "I have an idea." She says, bringing everyone out of their train of thoughts. Well, except for JJ who is not thinking about the salvage yard at all. All he is focused on right now is making sure not to spill his weed as he tries to roll a blunt. "Kie and I can distract the guard and you three can sneak in. We pick up the HMS Pogue and deflate one of the tires. The security guard will want to help two lonely teenage girls, thinking we are stupid, and the boy go in as he comes out. He'll open the fence and since he'll be looking at us, you three sneak in."

At first one says nothing. The plan is actually solid. If they can distract the guard while also opening the door, boom there they go, they have an in. They can figure out how to get the camera out once they get in. If that involves climbing, so be it. At least all three will be in there and they can figure it out. "That might actually work." John B finally says. "Kie, isn't your car still at the Chateau?"

"Yeah. I haven't been home since yesterday morning, so it's still at your place."

As soon as a plan starts to get set in place, and the Pogues head toward the Château, Pope starts doubting everything. Which is not surprising to anyone. He is never on their side when it comes to doing something illegal. He will still do it, because he never leaves the Pogues behind, but he hates it and will tell them every second of the way. Which is what he is doing right now. "This is not smart. We should figure out a better plan."

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