A dinner at the Salvatore

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The next day, I spent all day at the Mystic Grill.

"Is everything okay?" Matt asked me after a few hours.

"Just a family fight and I try to avoid the one who causes it." I answered him.

"Ah, I know well that kind of problem, if you want we can have a pool game when I finish my work day." He offered it to me.

At the same time, I saw Elijah, Jenna, Alaric, and Damon and a young woman who worked for the local newspaper settle down at a table. Sh*t.

"Thank you very much for the invitation, but I will have to decline. My problems have just settled at table number 7." I answered him.

He turned in the direction of said table.

"You say family problems, who is part of your family, it's just Alaric, Jenna, Damon and two other adults." He said.

"As a matter of fact, my cousin Elijah is one of his adults. I think I'll go home to avoid a sermon from him." I said to him, pointing the glass of alcohol in front of me.

"Your cousin is..." I did not give him time to finish his sentence and handed him a $50 bill that paid much more than my drink of the day.

"Keep the change, I'll see you at school, have a good day, Matt." Cut it off, I'll pick up my stuff and head out.

However, my discreet exit was not since Alaric saw me and called me when I passed near their table.

"Aurora, I read your history work. Your opinion is very developed there, it's impressive." He said.

"Thank you." Just answer wanting to leave.

"After meeting your cousin, I understand your passion for history much better. And if you were to join us, we were just discussing the history of the city, I'm sure it would interest you." He says funny insistently.

"I'll pass, I'm sure you prefer to keep the discussion between adults." I say, really uncomfortable especially for Jenna.

While Damon was going to insist, I saw my cousin make a small gesture of the head to join them. I found it suspicious that the eldest of the Salvatore's insisted on my presence while he was not very cheerful about our presence the day before. I found myself sitting next to Elijah slightly uncomfortable, really had no place at the table, I should have accepted Matt's invitation.

At least it wouldn't have been totally weird. I didn't pay much attention to the discussion, more busy playing with my thumbnail under the table. Until Damon's girlfriend suggested we all meet tonight for supper. Terrible idea if you ask me who was supposed to hide even more stupid motives. The most irritating was the speed at which Damon proposed that it take place dear to him. Everyone accepted with eagerness even Elijah despite a slight hesitation of departure. I wanted to find an excuse to avoid being an entire evening with Elijah and Damon in the same room. Except that the look of the original nobleman told me that I didn't really have a choice and even before I could answer.

Elijah answered at place. "Of course Aurora will be there."

Thank you very much Elijah, I am still able to speak, he is so patriarchal, seriously I fought with the suffragettes for the right to vote for women and he allows himself to answer in my place. The others leaving the Grill leaves me alone with the person I had been struggling to avoid all day.

"Two things Elijah." I told him my tone betrayed my discontent.

"First of all, I can talk and you'd better stop answering for me. Secondly, this dinner is certainly a ruse, it's almost as obvious as the nose in the middle of the face and like an idiot you want to play the game. Let me refresh your memory with our dear brother's favorite ruse. He made beautiful events and invited his enemies so he can watch them lower their guard and even  notice their weakness. After that Niklaus attacked knowing exactly where to hit. " I tell him to make an effort to speak softly, not wanting to draw attention to our duo.

"I haven't forgotten and that's why I want you to accompany me. You are very good with this kind of situation." He replied, trying to convince me.

"Okay, but I'll leave you to it," I replied to her, disappointed that I hadn't convinced her.

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