First day of school

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The Monday after my arrival in town I started school, I keep a low profile, I don't want to draw attention to myself by other supernatural creature who wanted to take revenge on Niklaus or alert the council of the founders.

How to have a better return to school than starting with a math course. Not that I'm bad at math I just never found it very exciting.

Other details are it's mid-October and the teacher thought it would be nice if I present myself to the class before she started correcting  the homework.

"Hello, my name is Aurora King, I just moved in, I lived in Montreal, Canada, English is not my first language and can I go sit down now?" I said with a forced Canadian accent. 

Nothing remarkable happened the rest of the day. Until I entered my last class, with a man named Alaric Saltzman. During my research before coming to town I had discovered that he was a vampire hunter, a mediocre one and not necessarily the biggest threat in the area. I was about to introduce myself to Mr. Saltzman. He welcomed me and pointed out one of the desks that was vacant. It is by going to the place which had just been assigned to me that I see her. Katherina, impossible she would never go to a high school as a student even extremely desperate, it does not fit her personality. There is only one other explanation: this girl is human and she is another  Petrova double, ah me who believed that the line had died with Kat. Thinking of it, it would explain why she didn't have a family when she was in England, she would have a child out of wedlock.

The bell rang and Mr. Saltzman began his course I paid little attention to it, after all I had experienced most of the events and even participated in some of the great elements that marked history. I was brought back to reality when I realized that Alaric had just asked me a question.

Hell, whatever he wants to know,  "Sorry can you repeat the question? ''

'I asked you Miss King what states made up the thirteen colonies of the British Empire in North America?"

'' The thirteen colonies are Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.'

Alaric went to ask another question but, he was interrupted by the bell. I took my things and approached Katherina's double to introduce myself and check if she was human.

'' Hey, hi, I'm Aurora, the new girl." I said standing close enough to smell her, human.

'' Hi, I'm Elena, if you're interested me and my friends are meeting at the Mystic Grill at 4pm, you could meet several other people and it's also the best spot to go out in town."

'Sure I'll see you later."

 After I left my things in my locker and take my car. As it was a little early to go to the Mystic Grill I decided to go to the public library to get a map. I wander around the shelves for more than twenty minutes trying to decide if I should contact Niklaus about Elena or do nothing and let fate go. I wasn't the biggest fan of the first two Petrovas, but, not ready to sacrifice a 17-year-old girl, I was determined not to offer the girl on a silver platter to my cousin. I leave the library and go to the Mystic Grill to join Elena.

On my way, I saw Elena sitting with two other girls from the school. I approached and when Elena saw me she wave at me and introduced me to her friends: Caroline and Bonnie. It only took me a second to know that Bonnie was a Bennett and therefore a witch, by shaking her hand I felt that it was power was rather weak and irregular, so there was a strong bet that she did not control her power. Yes this is one of the things to be a Heretics have felt the powers of objects or other supernatural beings.

The girls ask me many questions about why I moved and what my life in Montreal was like. I was saved by Vicky, Elena's ex's little sister, arrived to take our orders. I ordered a fry with iced tea. Just as Vicky was about to leave with our orders, Stefan Salvatore arrives and joins us rushing to give his order. '' Aurora, this is Stefan my boyfriend, Stefan this is Aurora who's new in town. '' Say Elena. Stefan reached out to me '' Welcome to Mystic Fall by the way I know what it is to be the new.'' he say. On contact with his hand, I knew that he was a vampire and that he must have been less than 200 years old. I told you, I can feel the magic and the older a vampire is, the stronger he is and the more magic is circulating in his body.

 I told you, I can feel the magic and the older a vampire is, the stronger he is and the more magic is circulating in his body

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