Home Sweet Home

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Elijah parked his SUV in the parking lot since my car was still parked somewhere on the street near Tyler's house.

"Aurora there's another thing I want to tell you, if I came to Rose's appointment, it's because I have a plan to get back at Klaus. You can help if you want." Elijah told me as I was getting out of his car.

"Lijah, I am obviously angry with Klaus, but taking action against him is something I need to think about. And right now I just want to forget all the information you gave me today and go to sleep."

"All right, I'll let you rest and see you tomorrow?" he asked.

"Don't be ridiculous either, you can stay here as long as you wish we are a family after all. You're going to have to promise me one thing though."

"Ah, yes, and what promise must I make to you?" asked Elijah, astonished.

"I want you to give me your word that you will respect my decisions and not lie to me under any circumstances."

Although it could have been a simple request, these two things had been the main ones of my departure from New Orleans, because neither Klaus nor Elijah had ever respected these main things in my regard.

"All right, Aurora, you got my word, satisfied?"

"Yes, come I will make you visit the place," I said to him as I headed towards the door for the landing. I may not have my phone or my car, but I have my keys . He followed me inside and I unlocked the door.

"I guess you're the owner." He says rhetorically since he could come in uninvited. Totally ignoring his comment I began to describe the house to him at the same time that I removed my shoes.

"In the living room there is a staircase that leads to the second floor and the living room also overlooks the dining room and the kitchen, a kind of open area. There are two doors, the one on the right wall overlooks a laundry room mixed with a bathroom, unconventional in American homes. The second door leads to the basement".

As I continued my explanations we headed into the kitchen and I got out of the fridge two bags of blood, one that I then had with my cousin.

"Downstairs, it's mostly storage, a second fridge for blood, gear for spells like candles, salt and the like. If you go to the basement, please don't erase the chalk pentagram from the floor. Upstairs there is a library that overlooks the advent of the house, a guest room on the right that you can use, the bathroom is in the middle and my room on the left. "

On this I ended my blood bag and threw the plastique in the trash can under the sink. I then took out of the fridge blueberries that I eat going to the basement, looking among my boxes if I had something for Elijah to draw change. I first suggested to my cousin to go take a shower and mention to him where he can find the towels. I went up 10 minutes later, I heard the shower still working so I put the clothes on the bed of the guest room. I had among my things found a large black sweater and a pair of navy blue jeans that a friend had left at my house almost ten years ago. I would go to sleep, but I knew that if I went to bed now I would think about everything I had discovered today about Klaus and I didn't really want to. So I decided to go and prepare my clothes for tomorrow. Talk about clothing. I would really say to put on pyjamas rather than continue wearing the dress I had at the ball.

I then saw that my cousin was leaning on the frame of my door, he was wearing the clothes I had brought him that surprisingly hurt him not too much. Surprised, I smiled. "It suits you well, you should wear jeans more often."

"And you cut your hair, it's very different." He just answered.

Well I had guessed that he did not stand on the doorstep of my room without reason, his non-verbal betrayed him. This is the kind of detail that you can noticed without too much difficulty after having living with a person for nearly a millennium.

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