A family story

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"Tell me, little one, where were you, the note you left on the table was rather vague." Elijah asked me.

"I was in New York, I visited a friend. When I came back, I looked for you and then the Salvatore left the house to a living man, I could not help you, I'm sorry." I replied to him.

"You are not to blame, you warmed me. I even prefer that this happened, you were not put in danger." He replied in a protective way.

"Eli, are you still sure you want to kill Niklaus?" I asked him, trying not to seem uncertain of my own will to eliminate him. Klaus had committed many atrocities, but he was not the only one. I had also killed many innocent people and I was not really upset when Klaus had dagger Finn. I had lost so many people who mattered that I didn't really want to end my brother's life.

"It's better for everyone like this. Do you doubt it?" said my cousin.

There was no point in lying, he knows me too well. He would have guessed that I was lying to him in no time.

"I lost so many people. I ..." A tear fell silently on my cheek.

"I know," my cousin said, hugging me.

We change the subject and talk about banality while waiting for Elena's return. I even had time to find something to put under my teeth, under the fangs would be more accurate, if you see what I want to talk about.

Elena came back later in the day as I started to believe that she had distorted our company. We went back to the salon.

"After our transformation, our father discovered that Klaus was not his son. My mother had been unfaithful many years before. It was his dark secret. Klaus was of a different lineage. Of course when my father found out the truth he drove away and killed my mother's lover and her whole family. He didn't know that by his act he was triggering a war between species that is still going on today," Elijah explained, taking up our story.

"A war between species?" asked Elena.

"Vampires and werewolves, of course!" I told her as obvious.

"So Klaus's real father was a wolf? It makes Klaus what? A werewolf or a vampire?" asked Elena.

"Both." I replied in unison with Elijah.

Elijah continues to explain what a hybrid like Klaus is and I noticed that he was careful not to imply that I was also a hybrid although of a different species. He also explained the curse and that the daggers did not work on Klaus. While I was content to drink the glass of alcohol that my brother had left behind. Elijah claimed that he was ready to do anything to kill Klaus, for my part I could not bring myself to put so much conviction, I kept silent.

"A witch who channels enough power can kill Klaus." Elijah explained.

"What if I said I know a witch who channeled enough power." Elena replied.

I passed close to choking with my drink, the two looked at me curiously, but quickly resumed their discussion. If a witch had indeed accumulated such power, she risked dying by killing Klaus. I didn't need the girl to mention that it was Bonnie Bennett to guess. I may not have been a big fan of Bonnie, but I had great respect for her mother, with whom I had collaborated in the past, and I preferred that little Bennet stay alive in my presence. If only I could do it myself without putting the young witch in danger, but now my powers had to be the secret ingredient to succeed the spell. The only idea to protect her was either totally stupid or pure genius, I couldn't decide. While I was in my thoughts Elijah spoke of the potion I had made for him to save Katherine.

"By the way, vampire blood cancels the effects of the potion." I added to my cousin's explanation.

We all leave the Lockwood house and I head to a place I promised myself I would avoid at all costs, the witch's house. After all, I was 90% sure that this was where the girl was hiding and then I wanted to validate my idea by other witches before explaining it to Bonnie. Arriving on the spot the witches were not happy with my presence and their voice in my head was practically painful by their strength.

 Arriving on the spot the witches were not happy with my presence and their voice in my head was practically painful by their strength

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"I want to help Bonnie, but I need your opinion first." I told them out loud, their voice turned into a faint whisper.

I explained to them my idea that may be orthodox was possibly Bonnie's best chance of survival. Although most thought my idea unnatural, they all came to the conclusion that it was the only viable option. I thanked them and pointed to the basement where I heard two heartbeats.

Arriving at the bottom of the stairs, I saw Jeremy and Bonnie who were practically kissing.

"Sorry to bother you, but I may have a solution to save Bonnie's life." I heard the witches whispering to Bonnie that she could trust me.

"To prevent the spell from killing you, you're going to have to tie your life to someone else's in a slightly more complex way than dancing at the time of the full moon. Preferably an immortal who does not risk dying during the sacrifice." I explained to her.

"You want me to tie my life to yours," The young witch asked.

"Not mine, rather one of the Salvatore, I had thought Damon or perhaps Caroline." I answered her.

"Why not you? You are an original and a witch, you would be powerful enough to keep me in control of the magic." she asked.

"I would indeed be powerful enough to even channel all his powers safely, but it is as impossible as letting you tie your life to mine." I replied by trying to be vague.

"Why don't you channel the powers yourself then?" asked Jeremy.

"I am also an element of the spell." I replied avoiding their gaze.

"Wait, I thought it took a werewolf, a vampire, a mortal double and the stone to break the spell." Say surprise Bonnie.

"It's a long story, but to make it short you also need the witch that breaks the curse to channel the energy of the full moon and the magic of my powers." My answer was short. Seeing their look of incomprehension, I added: "The witch must channel the powers of the two sources that were used to cast the original curse and it is also very likely that I will end unconscious before the end of the evening." I replied by whispering the last part.

"I'm sorry," said Bonnie, "but I'm willing to try your idea and then I have nothing to lose."

I explained to her the spell and the precautions to take and wished her good luck, she will greatly need it.

When this was done, I went outside the city to find a suitable place to feed myself. After all the sacrifice took place tomorrow night and I preferred to have as much strength as possible to avoid vanishing from the beginnings. I slightly doubted that it works, but at least I had managed to change my mind for more than three consecutive hours which was already not too bad.

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One more  chapter before the sacrifice...

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