Contact a relative

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I woke up in the early hours of the morning, still against Klaus. I relaxed and stretched. He was already awake.

"How are you this morning?" he asked.

"Much better, thanks Niko," I said with a smile.

I deliberately used that old nickname he hated, but which dated back to another era. We left it at that, as Stefan woke up in turn. To tell the truth, I'd rather forgotten he was in the room. I went to get dressed, chose a dress and put on my converse. A dress simply because I didn't feel like putting two pieces of clothing together.

I picked up my things and sat down on the bed, waiting for the other two vampires to get ready. When this was done, Niklaus came and sat down beside me. Stefan, meanwhile, was sitting in the chair by the little table, also waiting for the next step in Klaus's grand plan.

"I think I've got an idea, regarding the hybrid problem." He declared. "We'll have to contact the witch who cast the spell."

I leapt to my feet, "Out of the question, she hates us." I said, restraining myself from shouting.

"Please, Aurora, it's the only way to find out what extra wolf she might have added." He says, trying to convince me.

"Even if I were to contact her, there's no guarantee she'd want to talk to me, let alone point me in the right direction." I replied, hoping that my argument would convince him to abandon such a stupid idea. What on earth could he be thinking of trying to get in touch with ester, he'd lost all reason.

"Come on, Aurora, give it a try. At worst she'll ignore you and we'll find another way." He said.

"I can try on one condition, you bring our sister back, wake her up and it doesn't matter what result I get." I replied.

My request was dangerous; I had a better chance of ending up daggered myself. I'd asked for Rebekah because she'd been in a coffin longer than I had, and whatever she'd done was history. Besides, unlike Elijah, Klaus's promises were often broken. Let's just say I was throwing around some goddesses and wishing fate would favor me. Klaus seemed reluctant to grant my request.

"What do you need?" he finally said.

"Promise me our sister's return first." I told him, not wanting to let go.

"I'll wake her up, I promise! Is that satisfactory?" he asked.

"For now, five candles and salt." I replied.

The two vampires left to fetch my equipment, while I searched my grimoire for the right incantation. I found the formula just as the two returned with a grocery bag containing the necessary items. Luckily for me, the motel floor wasn't carpeted, as it would have been difficult to make a pentagram of salt on such a surface. Once I'd drawn what the uninitiated would call a satanic shape, I placed the candles at each point. I took my place in the center and began the incantation.

It didn't take long for the spell to take effect. I found myself in this immaterial place between reality and the other side. In this dark place, I could see out a shape, so I approached. It was a woman, familiar to me, but I couldn't remember where I'd met her.

She had long light hair similar to mine, her skin was slightly darker than mine. She looked like an older version of me except for those eyes, hers were brown. She wore a simple dress similar to the one I wore as a human.

I knew she wasn't the one I was trying to contact, but my instincts told me this young woman had something to communicate to me

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I knew she wasn't the one I was trying to contact, but my instincts told me this young woman had something to communicate to me.

"Hello," I said softly."My beautiful big girl." She said in a language I hadn't heard in many centuries. It was the language spoken by the natives of my childhood village and the one my mother used when my father wasn't at home.

"Mom?" I asked uncertainly in the same language.

"We don't have much time, darling. Ester doesn't want anyone with magic to contact you. She's very powerful, I'm not going to be able to keep her away for very long." I was shocked, I didn't really know what was going on and for time I've seen some things in my long existence.

There were so many things I wanted to say to my mother, but I settled for the simplest of them."I miss you, Mom." She smiled sadly at me.

"Me too, kiddo, me too. But you must listen to me carefully, Aurora. You and your cousins are about to face a great and ancient danger. Be on your guard. I can't hold her any longer. I love you and be careful." She said as the darkness slowly dispersed and I returned to reality.

I was sitting on the motel floor again. Stefan and Klaus were looking at me, eager to know what had happened. I felt something warm and viscous on my lip, but at the same time familiar. I brought my fingers out to locate the source. My nose was bleeding, and rather profusely at that. I hadn't realized the spell was so powerful. I got up slowly, concentrating all my energy on not crying. Once on my feet, all I could think about was running.

I ran out of the room as the other two vampires looked on in amazement. I didn't care if humans saw me running at vampiric speed, after all they'd only see a blurred shape and think they'd imagined it. I was already at the end of the parking lot when I heard Klaus, but his words were incomprehensible. I ran, without stopping.

Hi, it been I long time without any thing new. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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